JWs and blood, page-169

  1. 5,517 Posts.
    I back everything with the Bible and when I add comments to explain certain areas of it, it is to try and get through what is clearly flying over the heads of most, because of their preset seeds, originating with the CC's.
    And you think the CC doesn’t back everything with the bible, this my friend is a dead giveaway of where you’re coming from

    It’s been a fact of history that people hide behind the bible, bible alone notion, as the bible is like any other book, open to interpretation according to the grey matter between one’s ears, that should be obvious to you by all that disagreement with you, to which you need to come to terms with.
    The bible itself is mute, it’s unable to jump up and defend itself with all the out of context and snippets people take out of it to line up with their minds, misquoting to line up with various purposes and goal.

    Even Satan himself quoted scripture when tempting Christ, so you’re nothing special with quoting the bible.

    Do I need to repost Luther’s observation, of people reading a bit here and there, swallowing the Holy Spirit feathers and all thinking that they have the God given truth, it doesn’t work.

    You need to get it through your own head that you are doing nothing but lining bible contexts to suit only wotsup, that is the fact.

    The very reason you keep on insisting, that we must follow how your forefathers are supposed to have seen it, which is outside the Bible.

    You're flogging a dead horse here, as it's a well-known fact that your own forefathers, million upon millions of shakers and movers from your own lineage of "bible alone" school has fractured Christianity into more the 30000, maybe now by 50000

    "Bible alone" does not work as per above and your constant bickering with others who also use bible alone, your constant refusal to acknowledge this and see it for what it is, only proves you're not an honest person or one who knows what they are talking about. sorry,
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