JWs and blood, page-297

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    I agree,and that is the point of some of my posting,is to challenge the status quo.

    Obviously, we come at the point of view from different directions per say,here is another example of the changes brought into christianity by the council of Nicea,from which mainstream christian thought comes from,mainstream belief isnt actually christianity,it is a bastardised version of paganism,from start to finish.


    This the challenge,to get denominational christians to look outside of what we have been taught is christianity,and actually look at what the bible actually teaches and it's origins from Judaism,not Pagan Romanism,which now is the heart of all doctrines of so called protestantism,ie Babylon the great,the mother of harlots,a harlot or unpure woman in bible prophecy is a representation of apostacy

    Deceived by her, for she proclaims her preference for the things of the flesh rather than the things of God.

    The church is standing on the moon.

    Now the moon has no light of its own, and shines only with light borrowed from the sun.

    The moon is also shown as the foundation of the woman, as her support, as something on which she stands, and these two relationships (to the woman, and to the sun) suggest the function of the Word of God and its place in relation to the church.

    The law is a lamp (Prov. 6:23), and prophecy is a light (2 Peter :19), as is indeed the nature- of the Word in all its parts (Ps. 119:105).

    But it is a borrowed light, a reflection of Him who is the light of the world. The Word is also a sure foundation, a basic rock, to all who hear it and do it. (Matt. 7: 24, 25.)

    The Old and New Testaments, their oracles and ordinances, shine to the church with the light of Jesus, while He is absent in person. These are the true and sure foundation, on which she shall be established forever.

    Babylon is seated on the scarlet-colored beast. This beast is identical with the great dragon of chapter twelve, and he is that old serpent called the devil and Satan (Rev. 12 :9) so this woman is "the synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9)

    The city and bride of the prince of this world (John 14:30)

    She sits on the seven heads of the dragon, the seven kings or kingdoms, and she sits upon "many waters," the peoples and nations and tongues of the world. (Rev. 17:15.)

    She is carried by the beast, rules over the kings of the earth, and is supported by the peoples of the world. The governments support her, the peoples sustain her, and the prince of darkness upholds this lady of his choice. This is her foundation and "light."

    One feels herself a queen, and no widow, and safe from sorrow. (Rev. 18 :7.)

    But all is not harmony in her house. The ten horns that you saw, said the angel to John, they and the beast will hate the harlot , they will make her desolate and naked, and devour her flesh and burn her with fire. (Rev. 17 :16.)

    As a house divided against itself cannot stand, she is going to sure destruction.

    Her children are, like their mother, harlots.

    She is the mother of the abominations of earth. But she is not ashamed of it, and never has been. ( Jer. 3:3.)

    She holds in her hand a golden cup, full of her filthiness, and she offers it to the kings and presidents and the great men of the world.

    They are infatuated with her, and they drink with her till they are drunk.

    The woman herself is intoxicated. Her drink has been the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus.(ie dark ages)

    The nations drink with her out of this cup, and they are fallen with her, because they have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. They have united with her against the other woman and her children, and they will be destroyed with her.

    These two women are two cities—the city of this world and the city of the world to come. The one is called Zion (Isa. 66:7, 8)

    And the other is named Babylon, the great city that rules over the kings of the earth (Rev. 17:18)

    Zion is pure and undefiled, but Babylon is a harlot.

    Of right she belongs to God, for He created her, but she has given herself to Satan. Zion will be established forever, but Babylon will be destroyed. (Rev. 21: 2, 3 ; 18:21)

    This story of the two women is of personal interest to everyone.

    All of us are children of the one, or of the other.

    We are citizens of Zion or of Babylon.

    Which of the two women do people claim as your mother?

    Whose .clothing and adornment do you wear?

    To which city do people own allegiance?

    Who is your prince—that ruler of the darkness of this world, or the Sun of Righteousness?

    The bible asks his people,which are involved in this institution ,COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! Rev 18.4
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