JWs and blood, page-5

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

    And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

    You are only a Temple of God, if your one of his, hence if your not of his, then you are the Temple of the other = God effectively stripped of you, so where is his ownership there?

    On another note and speaking of "Idols" above, are you noticing -> Spirit of God, Holy Spirit and God here, are deemed as one in the same, interchanged, BECAUSE the God and Father who is Spirit, is this One Holy Spirit.

    If you say he is not the Holy Spirit, you are removing His Spirit and making an idol out of it and because he is Spirit, you would naturally have to place another Spirit for his, for the one you stole off him = you would be creating and worshipping, another God.
    As for blood transfusions -> If your time is up, as in God's calling, then no transfusion is going to save you, hence no harm in having it.
    You have also ignored the numerous OT verses, which clearly speak of eating blood = the true context.
    Instead you rely on a singular verse, in the NT, one persons account, which based on the overwhelming scriptures, it appears to be an error.

    You could refuse to take the transfusion, die and get to the other side and you ask God, why now and he says, well.......lol, I gave you the option of a transfusion, but you stuck your nose up at it wink.png

    In the BIG picture, I feel you lot make TOO much out of this and I suggest the originators intention was for nothing more than trying to stand out from the crowed, to make the false claim, WE are the ones, the true chosen ones = Not so.

    If I were you, I would be more concerned of, making Jesus into an angel, when he clearly was/is not.
    And neither is he The Word.
    Incorporated in the meaning of logos, in short is a plan IN and with God and as it was still in him at 1 & 2, and the Word was God - is God.
    His words are simply his Spirit expressed, and the results of, are in John 1:3, he alone and by himself Isa 44:24, Psa 33:6,9 -> and God said, and God expressed out his word/plan = creation.
    Another aspect of his logos was expressed to the Angel, to Mary and Jesus became, just like creation in Gens.

    No prophesy in the OT, says a pre-existing Jesus would enter Mary some how, that notion is bordering on madness and totally against the childlike language, of Luke's opener.

    Nothing in the Bible whatsoever even implies, never mind actually saying it -> that Jesus was REDUCED to being lower than angels, so he could die.
    He was made (not reduced), re Mary lower than angels, so he could suffer death etc.
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