Keep telling yourself that RMModern day christians see it that...

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    Keep telling yourself that RM
    Modern day christians see it that way,because after generations since it was changed at Nicea

    The jews which did not worship the trinity and still dont never have worshipped a trinity,the word dosent even exist in the bible

    In every use of the English word one,it means just that,one.

    1corinthians 8.6 Tells us that the father is God,Full stop.Exclamation point!

    1 individual that the bible says no man has even seen,nor can see 1 Timothy 6.16 ,which this verse says also that he alone has immortality

    It tells that Jesus is Gods divine son

    Another individual being

    As his son,he derived his life from his father
    John 5.26 Tells us,for as the Father has life,so has he given the son to have life

    What life?

    Eternal life,Hebrews 1 says its by inheritance

    Hebrews 1:4-6 KJV
    being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, And he shall be to me a Son? And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.

    Unfortunately all your theology on this point for most Orthodox Christians is based on what they are told John 1 says,Rm will be no different

    The trinity takes away the sonship of christ and the death of christ,if christ was the one God,did this mean when he died there was no God in the universe?
    Or only a human sacrifice like the pagans?

    The trinity didn't come into christianity until hundreds of years after the first Christians,this historical fact is stated by the church of Rome,who says the fact that the whole world worships the trinity although not laid out in the scriptures,shows her ecclesiastical authority over christianity.

    The above is not Mt claim but history's and Romes,but like other times these facts have been stated,the supporters of the trinity will ignore these uncomfortable facts and change the subject and dodge Romes challenge to protestants.

    The fact mainstream Christians believe in penal substitution is another glaring pagan belief that is ignored and won't be addressed
    People Unfortunately will just parrot what their denomination teaches them the bible teaches

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