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Last Updated: Jun 4, 2008 - 10:20:36 AM Somalia Somalia:...

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    Last Updated: Jun 4, 2008 - 10:20:36 AM


    Somalia: Somaliland Minerals Ministry Starts Selling New Oil Blocks
    4 Jun 4, 2008 - 10:19:35 AM

    Hargeysa, Somaliland, May 31, 2008 (SL Times) – The Somaliland ministry of Water Mineral Resources has started awarding concessions to interested oil companies.

    According to the director general of the ministry, Ahmed Ibrahim Suldan, a UK-based Norwegian-owned company called Asante Oil has already purchased rights to a new oil block.

    Mr. Suldan disclosed to Jamhuuriya newspaper on Friday that the deal with Asante Oil was negotiated during a recent trip that he and the minister of Water and Minerals Qassim Yusuf, have made to the UK and the USA.

    It was only last month when Somaliland president Dahir Riyale Kahin told Reuters that one of his priorities for this year was an auction for oil exploration licenses pending the wrapping up of a data seismic survey by TGS-Nopec, a Norwegian oil service company.

    In a subsequent statement issued also in April, the Somaliland ministry of Water and Mineral Resources said that the survey was completed and the data was being processed for an international bid round planned for late 2008.

    The data acquired by TGS was not expected to be made available to clients before the third quarter of this year.

    However in yesterday’s Jamhuuriya interview, the director general of the MW&MR gave no explanation for what prompted the government to cut a deal with Asante Oil before the release of data survey results except to say that the company was eager to stay one jump ahead of others.

    Mr. Suldan said that he hopes drilling for oil in Somaliland will commence by 2009.

    He made no mention of the amount of money that Asante Oil agreed to pay for its acquisition in Somaliland.

    The granting of concessions for oil and minerals exploration in Somaliland is often done in secrecy.

    Only Minister Qassim is allowed to represent the Somaliland side in any negotiations concerning the financial aspects of such deals. All agreements however have to be endorsed by Qassim’s boss, Riyale.

    Under Qassim, the MW&MR is known to have signed about a dozen of oil and minerals exploration agreements with foreign firms and individuals. None of these agreements have been submitted to parliament for ratification as required by the Somaliland law.

    Both Qassim and Riyale have so far paid no heed to repeated calls by the parliament that the administration should seek ratification for exploration agreements it had concluded with foreign companies


    Dazza You had better take note : this has a lower probability of success than what is going on in Punty ol pal.

    Somaliland: Regionalisation, Elections and Difficulties

    Arguably this New Year has been distinctively unique and whether this distinction is positive or negative depends on the region you live in. We have witnessed within the past few months the creation of 6-7 new regions and although the government or its supporters would argue that the creation of these new regions is designed to “better” the nation, others doubt whether this is their overall objective. Many sincerely believe that the growing regionalisation has cobbled together distinct regions that deserve a separate status such as Gabiley, with many others who don’t have an economic or historical distinction that separates them from the current region that they are apart of. As many Somalilanders now accept this growing regionalisation is purely political and has been done purely to increase the chances of Udub and improve Riyale electoral prospects. However, dear readers, I ask you to examine the current geopolitical regional distribution. It seems that every major grouping has been allocated a region. Salal (Isse), Awdal (Gadarbursi), Odweyne (Habar Yonis), Buhoddle (Dulbahentee), Badhan (Warsangali), Gabiley (Gabril Abukar), Hawd (Arap) etc. Although, we can all pretend that this doesn’t have anything to do with clans in actuality it does because the allocated regions are entirely clan orientated. However, dear readers from this long list of regions and groupings it is obvious that one group has been left out even though they have continuously played an important and integral part of Somaliland both historically and at present. The Edagalle have contributed greatly to Somaliland both historically and at present, they make up a sizable portion of Hargaisa and have been, amongst many others staunch Somalilanders. Like many Somalilanders they have also contributed to the liberation of the country and its current political and economic growth. However, unlike their brothers and sisters even though they collectively agree upon the creation of a distinct region (Gaaroodi) with Salaxley as its district capital, it has however, as it seems at present being ignored by the current government of Dahir Riyale Kahin. I ask the readers, is this the system of balance and equality that we Somalilanders fought to create and take pride in? Although regionalisation was a mistake from the beginning, except in the case of Gabiley, we can no longer deny that it is a reality and if regions have been allocated to groups smaller in number than why not the Edagalle who have had great influence amongst Somalilanders even before the status of British Protectorate.

    This is clearly an unjust act that could potentially alienate an entire section of people and could potentially generate conflict between brothers and sisters who have lived side by side for many generations. The Somaliland government namely, Dahir Riyale Kahin should before he begins to allocate the sea into different regions, provide the Edagalle their right to the Gaaroodi Region with Salaxley as its district capital which they have inhabited before the creation of Gabiley, Baligobadle and many other cities. Furthermore, the longer this issue is left unresolved the more danger it could potentially generate and if Somaliland’s long term interests are peace, stability and equality than like any other segment of Somaliland’s population our desires can not be ignored.

    Abdulkadir Idan
    [email protected]


    Then There is this with some interesting links FYI Dazza.

    Somaliland Crumbling: Africa´s Most Appalling Shame About to End
    Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

    Orientalist, Historian, Political Scientist, Dr. Megalommatis, 51, is the author of 12 books, dozens of scholarly articles, hundreds of encyclopedia entries, and thousands of articles. He speaks, reads and writes more than 15, modern and ancient, languages. He refuted Greek nationalism, supported Martin Bernal´s Black Athena, and rejected the Greco-Romano-centric version of History. He pleaded for the European History by J. B. Duroselle, and defended the rights of the Turkish, Pomak, Macedonian, Vlachian, Arvanitic, Latin Catholic, and Jewish minorities of Greece. Born Christian Orthodox, he adhered to Islam when 36, devoted to ideas of Muhyieldin Ibn al Arabi.

    Greek citizen of Turkish origin, Prof. Megalommatis studied and/or worked in Turkey, Greece, France, England, Belgium, Germany, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and Russia, and carried out research trips throughout the Middle East, Northeastern Africa and Central Asia. His career extended from Research & Education, Journalism, Publications, Photography, and Translation to Website Development, Human Rights Advocacy, Marketing, Sales & Brokerage. He traveled in more than 80 countries in 5 continents. He defends the Right of Aramaeans, Oromos, Ogadenis, Sidamas, Berbers, Afars, Anuak, Darfuris, Bejas, Balochs and Tibetans to National Independence, demands international recognition for Kosovo, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Transnistria, calls for National Unity in Somalia, and denounces Islamic Terrorism.

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    Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
    June 07, 2008
    These last days I have been flooded by mails from numerous Somalis engulfed in the secessionist and lawless pseudo-state of Somaliland, who denounce in the most categorical terms the shameful practices of servility toward Zenawi´s Neo-Nazi Abyssinian debteraw, docility toward the criminal Anti-Somali racist Amhara and Tigray rulers of the hereditary enemy, and submissiveness to the viciously Anti-Somali plans of the Abyssinian barbaric and inhuman military.

    All the Somalis, who due to bad luck have been engulfed in the territory ruled by the gangster Riyaale, the shameful puppet of Zenawi, express their indignation against the national shame of Somalia, namely the illegal and provisory pseudo-state of Somaliland where the majority of the local population is severely discriminated as mistrusted because of their patriotic feelings.

    What is the feeble and trashy pseudo-state of Somaliland except a tyranny imposed on all the local Somalis on the basis of tribal revenge (Isaaq against all the others) that ended up in the rule of a small gang that oppresses the majority of the tribe Isaaq that they had said they were ´meant´ to represent?

    Somaliland has no history and no historicity; there is no nation called ´Somaliland´ and it will never exist. All the inhabitants of the territory are Somalis similar to all the rest. There is no difference in terms of historical past, culture, language or religion. Somaliland does not represent another view for Somali politics in the same way Northern and Southern Koreans represent different viewpoints on how Koreans should arrange their society, economy, ideology and politics.

    Riyaale´s scribes unable to refute a single point of my articles

    I have published (http://www.americanchronicle.com/viewByAuthor?authorID=1225) a long list of articles refuting Somaliland´s authenticity as state, originality as nation, historicity and possibility to survive. Not a single scribe or propagandist of Riyaale´s administration proved able to refute a single word of my articles. They know that they don´t exist, and they will not survive.

    They only insult me personally, which shows very well that the ignorant, uneducated and barbaric thugs around Riyaale do not represent the highly educated, richly cultured and greatly civilized Somali Nation, East Africa´s most sparkling star.

    When they try to write articles, they are unable to analyze political events, and in poorly edited English, they represent their tyrant´s meeting with a colonial country´s ambassador appointed in another country as … heralding the impossible formal recognition of Somaliland!

    Mutairi´s Homemade Marmalade

    Have a look at the following illogical diatribe published by the ignorant plagiarist fellow of Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi under the most provocative and most ridiculous title ´AU and IGAD should support Somaliland´s homemade marmalade´– I am sorry – "democracy" (http://www.hiiraan.com/op2/2008/jun/au_and_igad_should_support_somaliland_s_homemade_democracy.aspx). I must admit that so crazy text as the following one finds with great difficulty in today´s world:

    "British Prime Minister Gordon Brown welcomed Somaliland delegate to London, even the delegate were invited to visit the British Parliament. This shows international community´s eagerness to support the Somaliland search of independence".

    It seems that nobody told this fellow how many different representatives of the remotest tribes (that deserve a state) have ceaselessly visited the British parliament and English premiers, receiving warm and nice but false words, only to leave England contented and keep working according to the English plans, needs and interests, without ever achieving independence or recognition!

    Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi wants to believe that the world of diplomacy is the abode of sincerity; this is pathetic and ludicrous. Only an ignorant can say this. If now an ignorant writes on purpose to support his tyrant, his trashy articles consist in an unsupportable burden for Somaliland´s oppressed and a criminal act of high treason against the Somalis who are all ashamed because of Somaliland regime´s servility toward Neo-Nazi Abyssinian tyrant Zenawi.

    The Racist Anti-African Paranoia of Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi

    In an even more shameful excerpt, Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi writes in favour of the worst enemy of the African continent, the racist foe of Zimbabwe, Assistant Secretary Jendayi Frazer.

    The excerpt reads as follows:

    "Assistant Undersecretary of African Affairs at U.S. State Department Dr. Frazier highlighted the importance of recognizing Somaliland, and how such move will have positive impact on reducing the size of Somali problems.

    "U.S. will encourage the Africans to recognize Somaliland but will not take first step of recognizing Somaliland before AU." Frazer said in an interview with Somaliland media during her visit to Hargiesa. This throws the ball on the table of AU.

    AU should act fast on granting recognition to Somaliland, because the country needs it very badly, as they cannot do business with outside world. AU, as African authority, should support its people but not downgrading them.

    Dr. Frazier visited Hargiesa – Somaliland Capital – in an attempt to show the goodwill of the United States of America towards Somaliland recognition. Recently, Frazier told Somaliland Times that U.S. government is willing to open diplomatic office in Hargiesa.

    Also, U.S. Forces in the neighboring Djibouti are frequent visitors the Somaliland´s main seaport Berbera.

    In 2006, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed his administration´s willingness to establish military base in Somaliland. These events can be good example to AU and IGAD to take courageous step in recognizing Somaliland. AU should know that Somaliland is held between two rocks and cannot deal with other countries due to lack of diplomatic recognition.

    Somaliland case is timed bomb that can blow up if no proper support is provided. AU and IGAD should understand if Somaliland falls into chaos then the problem of Somalia will be double or may be triple. The Somali problems need to be solved in modules or units. Today, Somaliland is the most developed and functioning part in Somalia and they deserve to be saved from the chaos they paralyzed Somalia for almost two decades".

    Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi´s High Treason, and Future

    Jendayi Frazer, the Bush administration´s most disreputable dignitary, in front of the proven genocidal practices carried out by the Neo-Nazi Abyssinian butcher Meles Zenawi in Ogaden, dared say that Ogaden is an internal affair of Abyssinia. That inhuman statement that even serial killers would never have made suffices to categorize the uneducated and inhuman Jendayi Frazer as the world´s top racist and anti-African dignitary.

    Her consistent opposition to Zimbabwe´s president Mugabe is due to a shameful decision to support some English colonial friends whose lands have been duly confiscated as they consisted in a provocative social injustice in a country with many havenots.

    We can therefore conclude that the money stolen from poor Africans by some English landlords is more important for racist, Anti-African Jendayi Frazer than the lives of 5.5 millions of deprived, tyrannized and dehumanized Ogadeni Somalis who speak the same language and believe in the same religion with the criminal high traitor Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi. And he dares call on Africa´s most vicious enemy, betraying by the same act his Ogadeni brethren.

    Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi knows that in the near future Somaliland will disappear, a united and peaceful Somalia will emerge, and all war criminals will appear in front of the Somali Justice. Instead of writing shameful texts like that, he should prepare his apology for the charges he will face, namely for having incited millions of Somalis to High Treason and to acts against Somalia´s National Integrity, Unity, Tradition and History.

    Only the following two paragraphs would suffice to send Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi to the gunpoint:

    "Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and African Union (AU) are not taking courageous step to recognize Somaliland because of a fear that recognizing Somaliland may open chain disintegration in the troubled region.

    Both AU and IGAD should follow the report of AU fact-finding mission to Somaliland in 2005, led by His Highness the Deputy Chairman of AU Patrick Mazimhaka. The report recommended that Somaliland Case should be considered different from other parts of Somalia".

    UN SC Resolution 1814 on Somalia: Lethal Knock Against Somaliland

    As a matter of fact, the UN Security Council Resolution 1814 on Somalia was the prelude to Somaliland´s most desired and most deserved death; that´s why Riyale´s vanishing pseudo-journalists started publishing empty worded articles of 400 words just to make sure that a positive title about Somaliland be recorded on the web!

    Among them is the inimitable Ahmed Kheyre, the halfpenny author, who writes his comical treatise to portray the collapsing relic of Somaliland as – prepare to laugh – "strong and stable" (http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/63887)!

    Thanks to his argumentation we can immediately conclude why a shame like Somaliland must not exist. Two paragraphs would suffice:

    "A recent article in the American Chronicle attempted to portray Somaliland in a negative light. This is a forum for free speech and thought, however, it is imperative for these opinions to have some credibility otherwise they tend to appear uninformed and fabricated. Perhaps those who oppose Somaliland should pay attention to the following excerpt from an interview with the United Kingdom Ambassador to UN, H.E. John Sawers commenting on the UN sponsored talks in Djibouti.

    When asked why Somaliland was not represented at the meeting in Djibouti he responded by stating "Somaliland has different ambitions and is not represented in the Somali peace talks in Djibouti." Reported by Matthew Russell Lee of Inner City on June 3rd/2008".

    Those who oppose Somaliland are mainly Somalis from every part of Somalia, namely Ogaden, Djibouti (partly), Somaliland, Maakhir, Puntland, and the Somali South. What does Ahmed Kheyre suggest to them? To "pay attention" to a disreputable colonial diplomat´s words about … Somaliland!

    Not only an Englishman´s words about anything related to Somalia do not matter (except as testimony of colonial crimes), but also not a single Somali can possibly present them to other Somalis as a trustful argumentation and a convincing conclusion.

    This is precisely the shame the Somalis have to remove, breaking down Somaliland´s betrayal. All that matters for a Somali is the argumentation, the thought, the consideration, the ideas of another Somali, of all the Somalis; a colonial alien – English or Abyssinian – is discredited automatically and by nature. By definition, dignitaries of colonial countries have no right to say anything to a Somali – except to admit their crimes against Somalia.

    People like Ahmed Kheyre must not be left in Somalia; their mentality is the epitome of servility, docility and submissiveness. This mentality caused all the Somalia´s problems; it must now be flushed out.

    Ahmed Kheyre´s Ignorance and Fallacy

    Even worse aspects of aberration and anti-Somali racism can be detected in the following lines, written by Ahmed Kheyre, that are full of lies:

    "Time and time again the people of Somaliland have said that they are from a different country. Somaliland and Somalia are two different nations, they were prior to July 1st, 1960, and once again, after May 18th, 1991. This is the reality.

    The people of Somaliland would to see all their neighbouring nations live in peace and harmony; they would like to see the people of Somalia resolving their issues and stop slaughtering each other. But, sadly, some corrupt apologists for the defunct Somali Democratic Republic just can´t see to accept that Somaliland and Somalia are two different countries".

    Ahmed Kheyre is virtually unable to understand that he is not a Historian and he should not speak about subjects that are unrelated to his microcosm; the idea that a part of a nation can suddenly decide that they are not part of the same nation is just stupid and trashy. It is even dangerous for global safety and security.

    Can you imagine who would take seriously the inhabitants of Hamburg, if they suddenly came up with the ridiculous idea that they are … not Germans?

    The claim that the Somali "people of Somaliland" are "from a different country" comes from another world; this claim comes from the Universe of Paranoia and Mendacity.

    The most falsified version of African History would still fail to make of the Somali "people of Somaliland" a population coming "from a different country".

    Somalis of all territories have been Somalis for 4 millennia, and the ignorant Ahmed Kheyre still ludicrously speaks about the date of ….. July 1st, 1960!

    The Somalis of the times of the Egyptian Antiquity (the Somalis of Punt), the Somalis of the Roman, Arsacid and Sassanid eras (the Somalis of Azania and the Other Berberia), the Somalis of the Islamic and Ottoman periods, and the Somalis of the colonial and postcolonial times are all One Nation.

    Division due to colonization does not create two different nations, except the ignorant high traitor Ahmed Kheyre wants to say that the Somalis of the Somaliland Shame must be the slaves of the Colonial English and the Neo-Nazi Abyssinians.

    Part of the Germans belonged to the Roman Empire in the Antiquity; and the rest were organized in different confederations. No one dared say that the Germans were not One Nation.

    More recently and as late as 1870, the Germans were divided in many fiefs, small states, and kingdoms, namely Prussia, Bavaria, the Rhine Confederation, etc. Even worse, as consequence of the WW II, Germany was divided into the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic. No one dared say that the Germans were not One Nation.

    Even worse for Ahmed Kheyre´s lie, never "the people of Somaliland have said that they are from a different country"; they were forced to admit this or die, because of the imposition of a tyrannical gang functioning as puppet of the Neo-Nazi Abyssinians. If you oppose Ahmed Kheyre´s fallacy and reject breakaway and lawless Somaliland´s state dogma, you are mercilessly imprisoned and executed in the Somaliland State of Crime.

    For all the Somalis, those of Somaliland included, the only corrupt people are the servile scribes and the thugs of Riyaale, the likes of Ahmed Kheyre and others. So, he is the last to have the right to specify who the corrupt are.

    What follows is an article recently published by a Somali of Somaliland who smartly portrays the face of the corrupt in the Somaliland territory. It highlights the tyrannical measures imposed by Riyaale´s gang, which triggered the growing discord that is expected to bring the end of Somaliland very fast.

    Regionalisation, Elections and Difficulties

    By Abdulkadir Idan – London


    "Arguably this New Year has been distinctively unique and whether this distinction is positive or negative depends on the region you live in. We have witnessed within the past few months the creation of 6-7 new regions and although the government or its supporters would argue that the creation of these new regions is designed to "better" the nation, others doubt whether this is their overall objective. Many sincerely believe that the growing regionalisation has cobbled together distinct regions that deserve a separate status such as Gabiley, with many others who don´t have an economic or historical distinction that separates them from the current region that they are apart of. As many Somalilanders now accept this growing regionalisation is purely political and has been done purely to increase the chances of Udub and improve Riyale electoral prospects.

    However, dear readers, I ask you to examine the current geopolitical regional distribution. It seems that every major grouping has been allocated a region. Salal (Isse), Awdal (Gadarbursi), Odweyne (Habar Yonis), Buhoddle (Dulbahentee), Badhan (Warsangali), Gabiley (Gabril Abukar), Hawd (Arap) etc. Although, we can all pretend that this doesn´t have anything to do with clans in actuality it does because the allocated regions are entirely clan orientated. However, dear readers from this long list of regions and groupings it is obvious that one group has been left out even though they have continuously played an important and integral part of Somaliland both historically and at present. The Edagalle have contributed greatly to Somaliland both historically and at present, they make up a sizable portion of Hargaisa and have been, amongst many others staunch Somalilanders. Like many Somalilanders they have also contributed to the liberation of the country and its current political and economic growth. However, unlike their brothers and sisters even though they collectively agree upon the creation of a distinct region (Gaaroodi) with Salaxley as its district capital, it has however, as it seems at present being ignored by the current government of Dahir Riyale Kahin. I ask the readers, is this the system of balance and equality that we Somalilanders fought to create and take pride in? Although regionalisation was a mistake from the beginning, except in the case of Gabiley, we can no longer deny that it is a reality and if regions have been allocated to groups smaller in number than why not the Edagalle who have had great influence amongst Somalilanders even before the status of British Protectorate.

    This is clearly an unjust act that could potentially alienate an entire section of people and could potentially generate conflict between brothers and sisters who have lived side by side for many generations. The Somaliland government namely, Dahir Riyale Kahin should before he begins to allocate the sea into different regions, provide the Edagalle their right to the Gaaroodi Region with Salaxley as its district capital which they have inhabited before the creation of Gabiley, Baligobadle and many other cities. Furthermore, the longer this issue is left unresolved the more danger it could potentially generate and if Somaliland´s long term interests is peace, stability and equality than like any other segment of Somaliland´s population our desires can not be ignored".

    Ahmed Hassan erases the Somaliland Shame

    At the very antipodes of the disreputable and criminal high traitors, the likes of Ahmed Kheyre and Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi, a patriotic Somali from the territory that is still under Riyaale´s control, Ahmed Hassan, political activist and journalist, sent me a brief but meaningful mail. In few lines he described epigrammatically the reasons for which Somaliland not only cannot survive, but actually does not exist as state.

    Any state that does not function as sovereign state but is merely an annex or phalange of another, inimical, state is in fact a simulacrum.

    For Ahmed Hassan, the scandalous celebration of the national day of the Neo-Nazi Abyssinian state in the pseudo-capital Hargeysa of the lawless entity Somaliland makes of the latter a non-state, a mere annex, an occupied territory, another part of Somalia that suffers under Abyssinian control. I re-publish Mr. Ahmed Hassan´s letter integrally:

    "Can Somaliland act as an independent country or remain a client state of Ethiopian hegemony?. The lavish celebration of Meles´ national day in Hargeysa, where the overall Commander of Ethiopian forces in Somalia General Gabre attended, as the same cannot be done in Mogadishu, indicates nothing but Ethiopia treats Somaliland as part of Somalia and under its military rule. We have to assess our situation with reality and plan for the long term. How can we survive united or cantons under Ethiopian hegemony"?

    More details about the shameful Neo-Nazi Abyssinian ceremony in Hargeysa can be found in an article entitled "Hargeisa host the Ethiopia's 17th anniversary of military regime fall" which was published in the informative Somali portal www.mareeg.com


    Mareeg - Hargeisa host the Ethiopia's 17th anniversary of military regime fall

    The 17th anniversary since the fall of the former military regime in Ethiopia was celebrated in Hargeysa last Thursday.

    To observe the occasion, Ethiopia's envoy to Somaliland, Ambassador Wubshet Demissie held a grand reception at the Maansoor Hotel, Thursday evening.

    Guests included government officials, opposition leaders and representatives of the business community, women groups and civil society.

    In a commemorative speech on the occasion, Ambassador Demissie hailed Ethio-Somaliland relations and expressed his country's support and admiration for Somalilanders dedication to peace.

    The full text of his speech is as follows:

    ´Ethiopian´ Envoy's Speech On The Occasion Of The 17th Anniversary Of The Fall Of the Military Government

    I would like to appreciate the respect you all have shown by joining us in the celebration of May 28 for the second time here in Hargeysa. Today we are celebrating the seventeenth anniversary of the fall of the military regime and the birth of a new Ethiopia, in this year of the Ethiopian Millennium.

    In the last seventeen years we've made great strides in establishing the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in which the rights and sovereignty of all peoples and nationalities have the protection of the law. We have changed the economic, social and political landscape of what is of course the oldest and most multi-cultural nation in the Horn of Africa.

    We have achieved an average annual growth rate over the last five years of well over ten per cent; which is the highest of any non-oil producing African state. We've registered encouraging results in education. Primary school enrolment has reached ninety one per cent. Education is no longer a privilege but a right of all citizens. Millions now have access to medical care. We've made major advances in combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other communicable diseases. There have been great strides in the development of infrastructure.

    Of course, this is not what I want to talk about today. This is a celebration of real achievement, and we have reason to be proud of what we have done. But we are very aware we need to do more. We need to expand economic development, ensure peace and deepen the democratization process to enhance our unity. That's why, in this year of the New Millennium, of the year 2000, we have committed ourselves to the Renaissance of Ethiopia, to its regeneration. The Renaissance of Ethiopia and the spirit of the New Millennium alike signify dedication to the unity of Ethiopia, determination to speed up economic development, and the protection of Ethiopia's national interests and security.

    On the eve of the New Millennium, Prime Minister Meles called upon Ethiopians to contribute everything to make the "current realities a mere footnote in our long and glorious history" a stepping stone to the full realization of the renaissance of Ethiopia.

    It is here that the spirit of the Ethiopian Renaissance is providing us with the dynamism and the vitality to usher in the New Ethiopian Millennium with extra enthusiasm and renewed vigour. Our foreign policy, and economic diplomacy, is taking its direction and its impetus from this same spirit of the Renaissance and the Millennium. We are equally determined to remain engaged, with the spirit of the renaissance, to make full contribution to peace and mutual understanding among peoples and nations, and most particularly in our own sub-region.

    We are very much dedicated to the peace and security of the region as we have demonstrated in Somalia. Major gains have been made in the fight against terrorism there, and in moving towards reconciliation. The challenges remain very real, but the prospects for peace in Somalia are better now than they have ever been despite all the efforts of the enemies of peace in our sub region.

    I must add that, in all this, we know we owe a great deal to our friends and partners. We hope that they will feel and continue to play a similar role in our development and in areas of our mutual concerns. In this regard, this would be a good opportunity to express our appreciation for the positive and productive role that Somaliland has played on our efforts to bring about development, peace and democracy. Here, it would be appropriate to congratulate and pay my tributes to Somalilanders among others -political leaders, elders and professionals... for their indefatigable efforts and success in maintaining and sustaining the unity, peace and stability of Somaliland by way of accommodating differences amicably. By doing so you have shown the world how serious you are about peace and unity. We are very pleased that our strong belief that Somaliland has the right and the capacity to manage its own affairs, has been proved correct. Here I wish to reaffirm to you that, Ethiopia and Ethiopians as a friend and neighbour, will remain always and stand with Somaliland and its peace loving people through thick and thin.

    All Ethiopians, we know, will stand together, united, to realize the grand design to transform Ethiopia in the New Millennium. We will turn Ethiopia into a middle income and a democratic nation, a lasting symbol of the achievement of an Ethiopian Renaissance in which all its peoples can have the fullest pride.

    I Thank You


    The end of the shameful document is a reason for every Somali to say ´never again´ and join the forces of Somali Unity and Peace, all those who struggle in order to eradicate the Somaliland Shame. Not a single Somali can stand the corrupt realm of Hoda Barkhad, tyrant Riyaale´s bribed and bribing wife.


    Picture: Hoda Barkhad, tyrant Riyaale´s bribed and bribing wife


    With intent of Balance.
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