it was pretty easy to see an ascendent Donald duck when he was...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    it was pretty easy to see an ascendent Donald duck when he was facing decrepit Joe Biden.

    suddenly that's all changed in the presidential election which essentially sees old America personified by the noisy moronic magatards pitted against new America, which is the majority.

    America had a good look at felonius Trump and they flicked him hard and permanently in November 2020, with the failed insurrection merely confirming that he's unfit for office.

    distorted by MSM as our perceptions of the candidates are, you have to look at the professed values held by ordinary Americans to see how things might go.

    this is layed out below, in an extract from an essay by American writer MATTHEW COOKE written the same day Biden pulled out..

    in short, Trump is reviled in America as a person and what he stands for: hate isn't going to get a look in this time round.

    the writing is on the wall but that won't stop Donald Duck and the known to be violent magatards reaching into a massive golden cistern of dirty tricks that will have Harris eating babies for breakfast before the actual vote.


    "Trump is going to lose because we are the majority. America hates what he stands for.

    "In 2020, after seeing and living through the trainwreck of his presidency, the citizenry removed him by over 7 million votes and sent him packing. Nothing he’s done in the past four years has convinced millions of these voters to change their minds.

    "Never forget this one indisputable fact:There are more of us than there are of them! And how do I know this? Because this is who we are: America is a liberal country!

    -69% of Americans support legal abortion.
    -72% of Americans don’t own a gun.
    -90% of the country wants stronger gun control laws.
    -72% of us believe the Climate Crisis is real and that we must act NOW.
    -71% of all Americans approve of labor unions.
    -79% of us insist the rich must pay more in taxes.
    -76% of us want to more than double the minimum wage — to $17 an hour.
    -.70% of all voters believe marijuana should be legal.
    -73% of the country want student debt relief.
    -74% of Americans support a cap on rents and the building of more affordable homes.
    -80% of the American public want a mandatory retirement age and/or term limits on all Supreme Court justices.
    -70% of us are demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
    -The vast majority (72%) of all Americans want money removed from politics!

    Youth, Women and People of Color, or any combination thereof, now make up 79% of those who will vote in November!

    THAT is who we are. In 7 of the last 8 Presidential elections, the majority of Americans voted for the Democrat on the ballot. That’s right.

    For the past 36 years, since 1988, the Republicans have won the popular vote only once.Americans simply don’t like them. I mean, they really, REALLY don’t like them. Americans do NOT want right-wingers in our White House or running our country. "

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