well trump might be godly - the second comer - the claim of the...

  1. 86,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    trump might be godly - the second comer -

    the claim of the godsquad people is that the world was a better place because JC visited

    well - if the world post trump is similar - maybe he is the second comer --

    let's look at the results

    JC arrives - poooof - gift of god and all that stuff -------- does his sacrifice the life trick and buggers off northward in a puff of magic mist, souls saved, if you believe in him (sound familiar?) -

    what happened? what were the actual results --

    well, the Romans turned out to be not all that nice, all the time. Then, there's a bunch of dudes invent themselves and call themselves Muslim - they proceed to try a world take over -

    then all these bloody awful Kings and Queens come around and trample on the faces of peasants - abusing them, living on their blood and sweat - indeed, many churches were built and if you look at the run of churches everywhere - you would call it an empire - all built on the sweat and blood of peasants again - most of it on bullshit stories (eg. take the example of the Cluny churches (not a bad idea for security for a journey - but) - the very reason was to have a safe route to Santiago de Compostela -- is to where the big Jimmy of the Big and little Jimmy fame (Saints) were supposed to be - turns out it was all bullshit anyway, Jimmy really isn't there - nor is little Jimmy in Paris, but that's another churchie yarn without fact in it

    then on we go to revolutions, dump the church from government, have World War 1, kill tens of millions, head straight onto Hitler, have WW2, kill more tens of millions, invent mustard gas, atomic bombs, chemical warfare, nerve gas, and the lovely biological weapons and mines

    wow - thank you JC, thank you god ----------- if that's what your first trip to save us did -------- thanks but, no thanks for a second coming - even if his name is Donald
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