''plenty of evidence that Harris is a critical thinker, totally...

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    ''plenty of evidence that Harris is a critical thinker, totally unlike Felonius Trump aka Donald duck.''

    you know, I'd never looked up the characteristics of Donald Trump's thinking and compared them in detail to the characteristics of critical thinking

    there is almost literally ZERO similarity to a critical thinking - in most cases he's in fact the TOTAL OPPOSITE

    Donald Trump ------------ not
    Here are the key characteristics of critical thinking:
    1. Open-mindedness: Critical thinkers are willing to consider different perspectives and ideas, even if they challenge existing beliefs.
    (nope)They actively listen to opposing viewpoints and are open to revising their opinions based on compelling evidence[1][2]. (nope)
    2. Analytical skills: Critical thinkers can break down complex problems into smaller components, identify patterns and relationships, and evaluate information systematically[1][2].(nope)
    3. Curiosity: Critical thinkers have a natural desire to learn and ask probing questions to explore issues further.(nope) They actively seek out knowledge to deepen their understanding[1][3][4].(nope)
    4. Objectivity: Critical thinkers strive to be impartial in their analysis,(definitely nope) recognizing their own biases (nope) and working to minimize their impact on reasoning and decision-making[1][3].(nope)
    5. Logical reasoning: Critical thinkers use deductive and inductive reasoning to draw conclusions based on evidence and sound arguments.(nope) They can identify flaws in reasoning and evaluate the strength of arguments[1].
    6. Skepticism: Critical thinkers don't accept information at face value.
    (nope)They question assumptions, seek evidence, and evaluate claims before accepting them[1].(definitely nope)
    7. Creative thinking: Critical thinkers often think outside the box, rejecting standardized problem-solving formats and considering multiple perspectives and novel approaches[3][4].
    8. Observation skills: Critical thinkers are perceptive and attentive to details,
    (nope) collecting data through their senses to gain deeper understanding[3][4].(nope)
    9. Effective communication: Critical thinkers can clearly articulate their thoughts and reasoning processes to others[4].(clearly, nope)
    10. Intellectual humility: Critical thinkers acknowledge the limits of their own knowledge and are open to learning from others[1].(nope, got that one not at all)
    11. Decisiveness: After careful analysis, critical thinkers are able to make informed decisions and take action[5].(nope, totally uninformed)
    12. Compassion and empathy: While maintaining objectivity, critical thinkers also consider the human aspect of situations and value the welfare of others[3].(nope, nowhere near it)
    Developing these characteristics can enhance one's capacity for critical thinking, leading to better problem-solving, decision-making, and overall cognitive abilities.

    [1] https://www.rajeevelt.com/ten-key-characteristics-of-a-critical-thinker-with-examples/rajeev-ranjan/
    [2] https://able.ac/blog/characteristics-of-critical-thinking/
    [3] https://www.miniboss-school.com/2022/02/8-characteristics-of-critical-thinkers.html
    [4] https://www.entrepreneur.com/living/16-characteristics-of-critical-thinkers/321660
    [5] https://futurefocusedlearning.net/b...n-traits-of-highly-effective-critical-thinker
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