It may take a while but Karma (or what Christ called"What you...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    It may take a while but Karma (or what Christ called
    "What you sow, so shall you reap") always wins.

    Tony Abbott (who back-stabbed Malcolm Turnbulll
    who back-stabbed Brendon 'Horatio' Nelson) is in
    no position to pour scorn on Labor's treachery.
    Bill Shorten switched from Gillard to Rudd.

    Tony Abbott could be back-stabbed by Malcolm
    Turnbull. Unlike Abbott and Joe Hockey, Turnbull
    had a successful career as a merchant banker.
    So he understands the Aussie and the Global
    economy and is unlikely to run amok with
    madcap schemes to cut wages and public
    service numbers to score political points
    like Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey could
    with tragic US-style consequences.
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