kathy jackson charged, page-23

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "Toni Ellen Hoffman received the 2006 Australian of the Year Local Hero Award for her role as a whistleblower in informing Queensland Politician Rob Messenger about Jayant Patel."

    and what HELL Ms. Hoffman went through. As those close to her cause know full well!

    Perhaps Kathy Jackson should get together with the famous, brave Ms. Toni Hoffman - whose life and career have been largely ruined because SHE had the guts to speak out as a solitary whistleblower - and boy, did she get mauled over that one!

    And now the boys in the wigs have stepped in an unravelled all Ms. Hoffman's good work - a re-trial now a remote possibility - too many witnesses now too traumatised to go through it all again. Disgusting - that those fighting for right and justice end up the persecuted!

    Sadly, whistleblowers almost always end up the real victims often maligned and demeaned by the ignorant - and they require immense bravery and courage to get through it all, and survive, phsycologically, physically, and financially. Which is why there aren't many of them.

    Lots of medals handed out - lots of unworthies receiving fancy "gongs" and honors via political mates manoeuverings - but the hugely courageous whistleblower - now there's a true, brave, and extremely lonely REAL hero!

    Yes, keep going Kathy! For, from within these people - the real meaning of "honor" shines through.
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