"It should be seen as the Unions' only way to survive and at the...

  1. 3,012 Posts.
    "It should be seen as the Unions' only way to survive and at the same time rid the unions of stink that we see in headlines day after day."

    Well Hawke and Keating start the decline of the unions in a big way by introducing work place laws such as unfair dismissal , they basicly said you don't need a union as the government will protect your rights.

    So many moderate people left the union movement and most of the moderate unions merged or disappeared all together only the more radical ones survived by being radical.

    Then Howard came along and said well those laws that were put in place so you wouldn't need a union , we are going to water down or remove as they are too hard on business, but to prevent you all rejoining we will put laws in place that will make that pointless too, again only the radical unions prospered.

    Whilst work place laws that protect workers actually reduce union membership the union movement supports them regardless as does the ALP.

    But the Liberal Party and their big business backers want it both ways no workplace laws protecting workers and no unions protecting workers. The driver behind serf choices.

    I'm all for strong work place laws protecting workers and no unions but I dead against a system that only protects employers and more or less outlaws unions.
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