The female 'Teal' vote was supposed to be a changing of the...

  1. 856 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    The female 'Teal' vote was supposed to be a changing of the guard from toxic masculinity of old white men to 'empowered', progressive, woke inner city females. It has been a rapid decay with emotional overload for them starting off with the over done #metoo movement. Wars waged on emotion turn into exhaustion, despair and discontent. The gang turns on each other and bitterness and petty allegations emerge. This affair will test the 'gang' of Higgins, Wilkinson, Gallagher,Wong and the two proxy females of Albanese and Sharaz. Both emasculated men deeply intertwined with overly ambitious females. Will be a watershed moment in Australian Politics and hopefully some serious soul searching for Labour and the Greens who have drifted far from their voter base. The ALP under Hawke was a working man's party. It is now a Tuck Shop Lady Gang on a stage way beyond their compotency level. And they championed without question a deceitful,manipulative fraudster who was hellbent on being a player in a powerful building despite neither skill or integrity for real world work. Now, deeply committed to the lie, the Higgins gang will either self destruct or be hung together. I put my money on self destruction and finger pointing. Linda Reynolds stating early in the piece Higgins was a 'lying cow' may be the one female politician who checked her facts before joining the misplaced bravado of the gang. A mob of fools has always been fickle and easily swayed....
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