keating calls costello a clodhopper, page-92

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    MrMuzz: "I notice keating only attempts to insult men better than himself...that includes Dr Mahathir."

    Newsflash for you, Mister Muzz! There's NO better man than Keating. All his insults (facts, really) went to men way beneath him! Where exactly did you "hear" the bit of gossip about Burkey?

    Oz needed a bit of humour then and it certainly needed it after he'd gone. I thought the "arse end of the world" was a great example of aussies being able to laugh at themselves -but, I guess, you political enemies will grasp at anything, so they sqeaked a bit about that comment, neglecting the wider picture of the phenomenon that was Keating. One had only to look at the line on the cardio machine attached to Oz's heart. It was barely moving before he got there. Flat as a dead pancake. The moment Keating appeared, like Hawky and Gough before him, the pulse line spun out of control. Things were at last moving in Oz. There were signs of life; optimism; the choking cloud of mediocrity was blown away and people began to show some interest in Oz politics. Wonderful time! But, of course the conservative thugs would have none of it. Humour was named "sarcasm," and life was weighed by beancounters and american economists and corporate dumbos. The place was clogged with CEOs who knew only how to have lots and lots of meetings, write outrageous contracts for themselves and then, after causing disasters, leave the country, laughing all the way to their bank... the American bank, of course. They found their weasels: Bush in America and Howard here and propped them up with a shameful media who was also riding the corporate horse. Back to the hospital for Oz and that cardio line was flattened once again.
    Costello who? Oh, that gay in the hammock!

    Don't worry, he may not be very clever but he's not stupid,either! He won't be game enough to try anything with the Libs. They gave him nothing before and they'll give him nothing now... except a couple of Caesarian jabs!

    (With profuse apologies to Shakespeare)

    Let me have men about me that are fat;
    Sleek-headed men and such as sleep o' nights:
    Yond Costello has a lean and hungry look;
    He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.

    Fear him not, Howard; he's not dangerous;
    He is a noble Australian and well given.

    Would he were fatter! But I fear him not:
    Yet if my name were liable to fear,
    I do not know the man I should avoid
    So soon as that spare Costello. He reads much;
    He is a great observer and he looks
    Quite through the deeds of men: he loves no plays,
    As thou dost, Antony; he hears no music;
    Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort
    As if he mock'd himself and scorn'd his spirit
    That could be moved to smile at any thing.
    Such men as he be never at heart's ease
    Whiles they behold a greater than themselves,
    And therefore are they very dangerous.
    I rather tell thee what is to be fear'd
    Than what I fear; for always I am Howard.

    Come on my right hand, for this ear is deaf,
    And tell me truly what thou think'st of him.
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