A lot of people mean well , but if they are stupendously...

  1. 3,484 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    A lot of people mean well , but if they are stupendously ignorant of the science like dolly, they can do much more damage than good.
    Parroting a political agenda dogma is not exactly an intellectual feat even if she may have come up with that cute one liner herself.

    She is great at rallying the troops and that kind of thing but those knockers don't do much for me, and neither do her hits really.

    I may have whistled to the tune of 'Here You Come Again ' once or twice but there is so much better out there.

    The renown physicist Feynman was a fan of dolly's and wanted to name the recently discovered quark dolly back in the pre 90's.
    Thankfully he was overruled and they went with Gell-Mans title from a line in Finnegans Wake.
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