Keep those violins playing, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 858

    Watched the movie by the same title. One hears a lot of how Jews were treated by the Nazis but not so much about the fate of so many gypsies - the movie depicts what horrible things were done to another so called 'inferior' race by the self professed 'superiors'.

    Science experiments using 'live' human beings for the sake of science - no wonder why one tends to not only question science but detest it - even now or more so especially now, given it's roots.

    Interesting how a child started violin in France then moved to US and plays in a Quartet titled 'Bohemian Quartet'.

    Whilst talking french - had my croissant - a really nice one, chickened out from trying escargos instead opting for some Turkish and German food and visited a botanical garden in almost full bloom - beautiful both white and purple arrays of wisterias, various colours via azaleas and rhododendrons etc. Back home now and that digging/weeding watering cooking (maybe I'll try to make a croissant? Do need a lower maintenance less labour intensive smaller garden.

    Yes HC well still posting - a couple of rather eye opening but not mouth watering documentaries in the 'food' section - if you or others don't want to be shocked pls don't watch them.

    Take care - keep in touch. My father loved the sound of the gypsy violin and gypsy music - he would have preferred it if I learned to play that instrument instead of the one I chose. Perhaps I chose wrong?? Ss smile.png

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