"That sort of statement makes sense to a socialist because you...

  1. 3,012 Posts.
    "That sort of statement makes sense to a socialist because you believe the pie remains the same size. Naturally, since socialists know and do bugger all to actually grow the pie."

    The pie is one size it’s called planet earth and we get one chance to use its resources in most cases.

    You can't keep growing forever ask the Easter islanders how that ends. You can't they all died after consuming all the natural resources on offer they started eating the only thing left each other.

    Societies work best when everyone works together and have common goals and values. No one builds a bridge, a rail line, a city or a cruise liner by themselves they need help , they need a broad range of skills and knowledge.

    Some people due to circumstance will never be able to contribute to society in a material way , should we toss these people aside or recognise that they contribute in non-material ways that are just as important.

    I am in the centre I believe in free democratic compassionate society that trys to look after all it members , we should try to reward those that excel where possible but at the same time help people who have difficulty in helping themselves.

    Unfortunately your utopian dream that capitalists grow the pie and encourages more people to share it is fantasy, reality is they grow the pie whilst doing everything in their power to share least amount possible. I think the word used is efficiency.

    The dream was as efficiency improved due to technology that people could work less whilst taking home the same money and everyone would be winners , the reality is we are working longer for less and the gap between the haves and have nots has never been bigger and is growing every day. Thats not a win-win it is a win-lose and if that continues ask Louis XVI how that ends.
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