Labour have robbed their foolish/unfortunate/naive union members...

  1. 6,746 Posts.
    Labour have robbed their foolish/unfortunate/naive union members blind sent their jobs to China now they are taking bribes from China to stay alive

    Do we need the ALP traitors

    Do we need the Greens filching votes from silly people

    Do we need the current Turnbull LNP driving voters away by destroying their democratic choice and making their legitimate intentional vote meaningless

    Grubby little marxist millionair trying to emulate Soros the globalists friend

    Marxist poverty for the plebes and wealth for the elite no borders or annoying voters to stop them

    A vote for the left is a vote for the needy greedy and seedy.... Which are you?

    A vote for Malcolm is a vote for the left as are all the majors

    My opinion G48
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