Kentucky Fraud? Mathematical and Statistical Anomalies in McConnell's Win !!

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8

    Special Counsel needed now ! More registered voters than people of voting age ??

    Even Judicial Watch sued Kentucky in 2017 over "dirty voter rolls" !!

    Machine controlled algorithm suspected !! They use Election Systems & Software (ES&S), a Dominion competitor !!

    Emphasis added.

    "BUSTED? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell's re-election don't add up

    Even as Republicans across the country still insist that the election was rife with fraudulent Democratic votes, no one's asking how McConnell managed one of the most lopsided landslides of the Nov. 3 election. They should.

    An investigation of Kentucky voting results by DCReport raises significant questions about the vote tallies in McConnell's state.

    McConnell racked up huge vote leads in traditionally Democratic strongholds, including counties that he had never before carried.

    There were wide, unexplained discrepancies between the vote counts for presidential candidates and down-ballot candidates.

    Significant anomalies exist in the state's voter records. Forty percent of the state's counties carry more voters on their rolls than voting-age citizens.

    Kentucky and many other states using vote tabulation machines made by Election Systems & Software all reported down-ballot race results at significant odds with pre-election polls.

    DCReport focused on the results in three counties in eastern Kentucky's Appalachian Mountains, two of which Democrats usually always win, but similar patterns emerge in other counties across the state. Even in counties that voted overwhelmingly for Democrats as recently as the 2019 ***ernatorial election, there were a staggering number of Democrats voting Republican in 2020.

    In rural Breathitt County, for instance, there are 9,508 registered Democrats and just 1,599 registered Republicans. The county has a history of close contests, but Amy McGrath got only 1,652 votes versus 3,738 for McConnell, a 67% to 29% trouncing. McGrath's votes, if accurate, equaled only 17% of registered Democrats in Breathitt County."

    "McConnell's results were even more out of whack in two other nearby Appalachian counties. In his six previous Senate elections, Elliott and Wolfe counties had never voted for McConnell.

    Even up to last year, Elliott County remained reliably Democratic in non-presidential races, voting for the party's entire Democratic slate in both the 2015 and 2019 statewide elections.

    Yet in 2020, McConnell won 64% of the votes in Wolfe County and 66% of the votes in Elliott County. McGrath only got 21% of registered Democrats in Wolfe and 20% in Elliott."

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