kevin 07 what a disaster, page-17

  1. 567 Posts.


    "People knew things were going to get worse economically at the time of the last election.
    That is why a few more voted for Labor...because they knew that in a downturn Labor would look after them better than the Liberals would."

    What absolute nonsense.To even suggest the average joe blow in this country can see past xmas is taking the micky.
    The average Australian is a complete and utter moron when it comes to politics.
    Thats why we dont have a TRUE democracy in this country when we have to force people off their backsides to make the effort and vote for something,in fact anything.

    Suggesting that people knew what was around the corner is naive at best.People voted for Labor because they thought they could get John Howard off the telly and still maintain the standards that both he and Costello created for them.

    Those that saw through Rudds spin and pre election promises, and handing out money like confetti knew that somewhere along the track the piper would have to be paid.

    George Bush has just been voted the worst President in that countrys history. Once the honeymoon is well and truely over Rudd will be his equal.

    The chooks are coming home to roost
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