I am on record here as saying I will not be voting for either...

  1. 718 Posts.
    I am on record here as saying I will not be voting for either Liberal or Labor......just so as you are aware.

    I think it would be fair to say, that imo if Julie gets up tomorrow, I for one will be very disappointed. Disappointed that her treachery can be rewarded. She is, imo a cold, calculating, power hungry control freak. Now you could say that they are all like this however there is something particularly nasty about Gillard the Lizard that is troubling.

    Perhaps not so much troubling as down right frightening.

    Then there is the Mad Monk. I am afraid I don't trust him one inch or centimeter even. He speaks things he thinks we wish to hear and then goes about doing the exact opposite. Don't forget, he was one of the biggest supporters of Work Choices {reads No Choices} when the legislation was introduced during the Howard term of government once they had control of the Senate. So Tony - I am sorry mate but I just don't trust you. It is very difficult to trust you Tony when you have three versions of the truth. The Gospel Truth, the truth, and then there is the truth that is written down. Dear oh dear.

    So for me the way is clear. I am voting for neither Liberal nor Labor come tomorrow. I am voting Citizens Electoral Council in the Reps and Greens in the Senate.

    And my tip?........Closest election since the early 60's with a minority Liberal Government headed by the mad monk with the help of the independents.
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