KalaruI would view that any comparisons to previous governments...

  1. 42 Posts.

    I would view that any comparisons to previous governments is futile and irrelevant. Current Governments can only be adjudged on world events as well as local events.

    What a previous Government did in different circumstances can have no bearing on a current goernment. Post 9/11 we did live in a most untrusting world. Terrorism was a threat. This has somewhat abated.

    To say that you feel much better under this govt is some what a naive statement ignoring the issues of a particular time.

    Unless you are blaming Howard for 9/11!!!

    Your statement that you want a government that addresses the importnant stuff like health and education indicates to me you have been hood winked by Rudd spin.

    Whilst he has talked a lot and promised the world his actions have been far from the talk. He promises one day and back flips the next.

    His "I hear you" statement to insulators was insulting to say the least. His camera driven antics followed by hollow rhetoric shows a man void of compassion to his fellow man and more about a man driven by his own dreams and wants.

    Rudd fails to release submissions on what many of his ideas are based on. This again indicates a man of little integrity and of little vision.

    A PM should be a leader to have his set of morals and beliefs. Whilst respecting others to have their own of the same, but not being ashamed of his own.

    Abbott to me is better credentialled at that. Whilst to some they may be old fashioned he is not ashamed of them and does not thrust them upon the wider population.

    You also in your post bring up Bush??? Now what that has to do with previous Australian Government comparisons only you will know. To me it appears to be a guilt by association theory that by mentioning two names in the one sentence both should be discredited!!!
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