Australia does have its safety nets unlike some countries where...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Australia does have its safety nets unlike some countries where a child may miss out on medical care because parents may not be able to pay. Australia has the wealth to have reasonable safety nets and thats the way I believe most Australians prefer and that incudes people of Liberal Labor or whatever political persuasions. John Howard and Peter Costello believed in safety nets for our citizens as do the Labor side of politics. Those that adhere to a system of having classes of citizens are abhorred by most Australians. We dont want that here.

    No party will ever succeed in Australia that tries to dismanle our safety net system. Most of us in Australia are altruistic in nature and we will be strident to ensure our humanity does not go out the door. Aussies will never accept serf status.
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