kevin rudd to sail around the world ??

  1. 773 Posts.
    Strong Rumours from Canberra suggest the PM Kevin Rudd is going to attempt to sail arround the world solo to boost his rapidly declining popularity.

    The idea was thrashed out during a late night Party meeting and was suggested by Julia Gillard.It has the full support of the Front Bench and the attempt is to begin ASAP.

    It would not cost the Tax Payer one dollar as it is to be sponsered by the Major Minning Companies who were jumping over each other to support the trip.
    One CEO was heard to say "its a super idea" and another CFO said "although there are risks,we calculated the chances of success at 40% + 30% - 2%, divided by the Bond Rate, multiplied by incompetence,err I mean competence".

    www.satire/news/bisiness/politiics/attempt/arround the world/sailing/he he he.

    Comments from the Opposition varied with Joel Hockey suggesting the PM take Malcom Turnbull with him and Tony Abbott calling it "A great big load of Crap".

    The last word goes to Kevin Rudd who said "Frankly the way going forward is inspiring for this historical circumstance that has appeared before my eyes and the benifits to working class families are there in detail which is obvious to those who observe this occasion at this particular time in our history".

    www.satire/news/bisiness/politics/attempt/he he he.
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