Poor misty, still clinging to that love of Rudd and his polls...

  1. 1,020 Posts.
    Poor misty, still clinging to that love of Rudd and his polls and putting it down to strong leadership in such hard financial times.

    Qestion, was John Howard more or less popular after the children overboard fiasco? How about 911?

    Misty, the incumbent leader is always more popular during times of crisis, you know this yet you continually spout off about his popularity in the polls. You are better than that Misty, don't sell yourself short.

    Another amusing part to your post was the section about the opposition leader being the second in the space of a year like it's a bad thing. Let me guess, you would have left an under performing Nelson in charge rather than making a change to Turnbull who is obviously more popular as a leader.

    I'll bet you are more than content with the unbelievable performance of your old mate Swan.

    Cheers for the laughs again, you always have an ability to make me smile :)
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