key coalition policies not submitted

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    Key Coalition policies not submitted for independent costings.

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    The Coalition has not submitted its climate change, broadband and asylum seeker policies for independent costing ahead of Thursday's final release of figures before the election.

    Shadow treasurer Joe Hockey will reveal the Coalition's election costings on Thursday, leaving voters just hours to digest the numbers while also refusing to say when the budget would return to surplus.

    After five weeks of campaigning and a sustained political argument over the final budget impact of the Coalition's spending and savings plans, Mr Hockey will reveal his list of policy costings on the penultimate day of the campaign, promising only that the budget would be ''in excess of $6 billion'' better off in cash terms under his stewardship, and that gross debt would be $16 billion lower.

    But missing from the independent costings will be the analysis on three of the Coalition's key policies: broadband, Direct Action and the plan to stop asylum seekers coming to Australia by boat

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