Kids in lakemba, page-294

  1. 8,256 Posts.

    100% correct!

    The topic needs to be discussed. Some here like Nine Lives want to censor this debate and further, want to point the bone at individuals who have very clear arguments to make and even twist what they have to say in trying to make this a Good vs Evil (not even about the the topic, but about the posters).

    Nine Lives has challenged me to back up what I said - "some of the "moderate" Islamic leadership will come out and say things publicly in an attempt to placate the wider community that they are doing everything possible to weed out the "radicals" and prevent the anti-Australian and harmful influences of the "radicals" on the "moderates", while behind closed doors, the messages to their own community are still mixed".

    Nine Lives said:

    Apart from falsely claiming I say that no Muslims are moderate, "No matter what links we put up you can just say oh, they are saying something different privately....even though you provide no evidence that this is the case"

    I posted this a week or so ago, but for Nine Lives sake, here it is again (it is even worse because these leaders in the video claim that all Muslims have this same, what we might describe as radical, opinion):

    "Peace Conference Scandinavia 2013" - according to them, the largest Islamic Scandinavian International event with about 4000 people attending (in Norway). There is an extremely interesting video where some leaders of Islam speaking at this conference actually try to prove that all Muslims views are similar on issues that Western media might label as radical views, however, if all Muslims share these views, it is impossible that all Islam is radical (here as quoted by them below, followed by their video).

    "When Muslim organizations invite Shaykhs who speak openly about the values of Islam, the Islamophobic western media starts murdering the character of that organization and the invited speaker. The question these Islamophobic journalists need to reflect upon is; are these so called ''radical'' views that they criticize endorsed only by these few individuals being invited around the globe, or does the common Muslims believe in them. If the common Muslims believe in these values that means that more or less all Muslims are radical and that Islam is a radical religion. Since this is not the case, as Islam is a peaceful religion and so are the masses of common Muslims, these Shaykhs cannot be radical.

    Here is a video of the above - Nine Lives - here is some evidence for you that there are many so-called "moderates" (in inverted commas because they are so-called moderates) who are indoctrinating many moderates (note, in this context, not in inverted commas because I am referring to the average muslim who is being indoctrinated by many so-called "moderates")

    To reiterate, I believe that there is still a majority of Muslims who are moderate, but that there are a number of so-called "moderate" Muslim leaders who are steering this religion down a very dangerous course.
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