I find this bloody amazing. The guys that are supposed to be the...

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    I find this bloody amazing. The guys that are supposed to be the brainiest about helping people recover from sickness, phsyicians, have been the most ignorant concerning the phenomena of antibiotic resistance.
    I believe that the sum is more than the total of the individual parts. If the human body is kept up to scratch with the right nutrients, (a plate of organic veges and then fruit and nuts etc, in a balanced way - quite simple really), and some excercise each day, it should be able to waste any naturally evolved virus or bacteria. And if it can't then that is natural selection - it's worked for millions of years and we are still here, so why F**k with the snakes tail. The head is turning around now and is striking with the likes of the superbug.
    God help us all.
    Unfortunatley city life has made healthy lifestyle neary impossible for the majority, and we have become dependent on vitamin and mineral tablets that the body has not evolved to cope with. The solutions are simple but we humans are prone to such stupidity. I havent taken inorganic drugs for maybe more than a decade. They can stick their antibiotics up their botty. Now if I get the flu, I let my body fight it off. (If, being the operative word)
    For goodness sakes, the immune system likes a bit of excercise one in a while also otherwise it gets lazy. The chemical affects the mental and the people panic even before they gey a flu and unconciously become insipid, just like mr Burns, this probably creates some kind of a negitive feedback loop.

    It's a shame fast foods are targeted at confused adolecents, below the belt tactics I reckon - why not go the whole hog and get babies hooked on heroin?, then the drug companies will have a real market..

    I'm not an angry person, but like to help people to wake up. It's a bit like pass the parcel in reverse - pleasure from giving instead of getting
    The world is insane but that doesn't mean we have to be the same.
    As we change individually, so do our surrounding as a natural consequence-to what degree, is not our concern.

    Cheers all
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