kiribati to show the effects of climate change, page-2

  1. 509 Posts.
    who cares !!!!!!

    Kiribati is a group of islands in the pacific - who knows, who cares, how the islands originated - anyway, the following from wikipedia

    "In the summer of 2008, Kiribati officials asked Australia and New Zealand to accept Kiribati citizens as permanent refugees. Kiribati is expected to be the first country in which all land territory disappears due to global climate change. In June 2008, the Kiribati president Anote Tong said that the country has reached "the point of no return"; he added: "To plan for the day when you no longer have a country is indeed painful but I think we have to do that."

    ohhhhhh - islands in the pacific disappearing!!!! but no change on the pacific coastline of australia????????????.

    who cares about global warming anyway - even if true, then it will be nothing more than a self regulating (for the earth) mechanism - where the end result will be that the world will have a "more sustainable population"

    oh - getting back to Kiribati - are they doing anything about the real problem - ie their contribution to the problem - which is too many people.

    the reality is that Kiribati ( a group of islands) is sinking - but breeding goes unchecked (from wikipedia)

    "Overcrowding has been a problem. In 1988 it was announced that 4,700 residents of the main island group would be resettled onto less-populated islands. "

    everything about this global warming stuff is a farce - yeah - coal powered electricity shoves all the nasty co2 into the atmosphere - yet australia is more than happy to sell coal. If australia stopped selling coal, then that would put more pressure on using windmills to turn iron into steel

    the reality is, that the use of fossil fuels (particularly oil) allowed for the population explosion over the past 100 years . there are simply not enough caves, for the present population to live in - but one day, the cycle of life will ensure that those that remain - will live in caves.

    this rubbish about "finite resources" is a myth. if one tonne of iron is mined to produce some steel - then that steel is never lost - it is somewhere - maybe in 10,000 years time there will be speculative fever, when a company discovers an old rubbish tip..... indeed geologists at the time will wonder about the dispositions of rubbish tips, in relation to evidence of previous population centers

    one way or the other, carbon ( including hydro carbons) will be recycled

    as i said - who cares - after all, if there is god, in heaven, looking after us - then the believers in the christian god can look forward to the second coming - then surely, he will reappear, when the population is at its peak - but apart from that - we can all end up in heaven anyway.

    can anybody see the contradiction. mr rudd goes to church and obviously believes in the after life, the second coming etc - but at the same time, tries to believe in man made global warming which is supposed to destroy us - so we have to believe in renewables . the belief in using "renewables"
    sort of negates the belief in "eternal life"

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