get smarter Yak, whatever you do isn't working'cose I value my...

  1. 137 Posts.
    get smarter Yak, whatever you do isn't working

    'cose I value my time, here is my post from the other thread


    I placed below two of your posts as I see them very important, I will try to explain why

    "Here's the scenario - muslims placed strategically throughout the West in legitimate jobs in all sectors, many of them first and second generation locally born.

    Bush attacks Iraq without proof or cause. Johnnie sucks along hoping for a pat on the head.

    Pretty soon we start to see water supplies of major cities being poisoned, terrorism and suicide attacks by outraged muslims and their sympathisers. It's already starting. Forget oil, defuse the growing world political crisis."

    "It's horribly true - muslims have made their own existence a misery in many countries and now are directing their anger externally. The more that the West punishes muslims the more united they become. The way out is through muslim enlightenment or muslim decimation. Hopefully the first although that imbecile Bush and his lickspittle johnnie are favouring the second without realising how long and bad a road that would be."

    Israel got the worst house on the best street in a region (very handy and strategic position).
    Also there is no good roads there yet, they got the fastest cars (read ARMS).
    If anybody think, they need the peace there, so they can watch some olive trees grow on this "fertile" land, think again.
    In a mean time, they condition the world everywhere to suit their cause, financialy and mentaly, by occupying positions of influence.
    They in our pockets (banks, finance), they gently and with political correctnes entertain us (entertainment industry) and shape our minds/perception of the world (news, media).
    Above is esspecialy true in US.
    There is not many of them, but they can raise/influence millions, be it dollars or people wise.
    Money and gentle manipulation is doing the trick. Instability and violence in Arab countries is their goal and justification for arms.
    All this is done quietly, the sneaky way.
    Are they after this oil in a region ? My private opinion is, not necessarily.
    As long as it belongs to their friend, goes thru their banks and helps them to get rid of the enemy and still keeps them at the steering weel.
    Oil = power, esspecialy when US is running out of it.
    Looks like few decided, now is the time to act as numbers are stuck against them and enemy is increasingly vocal (read "TNT loud").
    Whichever way you look at it, what has the average Arab, from the fact, that his land is reach in oil ?
    And time is running out for the manipulators.

    If someone thinks above is a conspiracy, then please go thru every sector I mentioned above, pull the names and check (always wondered, why they didn't hide their names better). To narrow the field, just do it for US, 'cose who would you like to influence the most, the weak or the powerfull.
    Dig deep as, those quiet achievers, the masters of manipulation are always in a second plan and only few high profile are outside, plaing saint and motivated by the greater good officialy. If more reasoning power is needed or run out of cards, then they play the jack/holocaust.


    I appreciate your posts, but wonder, where you draw your energy from, to argue with those wheasels and masters of twisting/manipulation.
    your posts are way ahead of this crowd.
    I wish everybody knew the difference between a Jew and Zionist, Muslim and fundamentalist and so on...

    Let's stop unnecessary migration, buy oil on fair terms, distibute the wealth evenly and justly, then peace will take it's own course.
    Manipulators aside, as they just 'cose instability and fuel agression and migration.

    I know, that's what G W Bush has in his mind by saying, he will liberate Iraqui people and introduce democracy there, then and only then, the peace not arms will "profilerate", lol.

    If I would be a Saddam H., I would made GWB a proposition so sticky, that I would go as a saint from this world, my people would praise me for years to come, living in a land of milk and honey, Israel, what Israel ?, there would be only one-big-friendly UNION of ARABIA ?

    ps. at one stage, in my home country, they went thru every step of the government ladder, in order to do some cleansing as the things got screwed up a bit, that was very hard and caused outrage as you would imagine.


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