In Kenosha this "protester" has been shot in the head it...

  1. 980 Posts.
    In Kenosha this "protester" has been shot in the head it seems

    FYI, because the "protesters" have been burning car yards to the ground and smashing all car windows some owners have posted armed guards on their rooftops, maybe one of them shot this loser.

    Here's some of the armed guards:
    Not sure whose side these ones are on:

    Now what will the other "protesters" do? Decide that it's better to give it a rest or will they get their own guns?

    Maybe like this loser:
    or these losers:

    This bloke (not sure whose side he's on) tried to attack someone who was on the ground but (bad luck for him) was armed and shot him. Now it looks like half his upper arm has been blown away. Maybe don't try to kick someone when he's down, just an idea:

    I'm guessing that this is what is known as "escalation". Bit by bit a line gets crossed here and another line gets crossed there.

    Unless authorities stop it altogether it can't help but get worse.

    Authorities, however, are defunded remember? Even when police make arrests, Democrat DA's (many whose election campaigns were funded by Soros) release the arrested parties with no bond and no charges so they're back the next day doing it again.

    The only thing that's protecting the Democrats from complete ruin at the ballot box in November is that the media is not showing the general public this footage, hiding it. But people are getting the video through other means, now when CNN or MSNBC or the free-to-air channels talk about "peaceful protesters" more and more Americans know that is a lie.

    Remember, Floyd died in hospital, cause of death was Fentanyl overdose leading to heart failure. His death was not caused by trauma from the cop kneeling on him.

    Therefore there is no way that a jury can find the cops guilt of "felony murder" beyond a reasonable doubt which means they will be found not guilty and released.

    What will happen then? No wonder gun sales are through the roof and vendors are running out of ammo to sell.

    Will the American people believe the media and the Democrats who lied to them about all this being peaceful when they change their stories and try to blame it on Trump? Or will the American people take note that all of this is happening in cities that have been under Democrat control for 60 or 70 years, some even longer than that.

    I'm thinking it's the latter and Trump will win in a LANDSLIDE!
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