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kraemers return, page-14

  1. 806 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    Thanks FS

    You may like to look at the following Moorabool Council website - check out the Mantle Mining doco - 6th down the list - page 3:

    As per previous post:

    Point 1) We know that MNM are in the process of exploring BM and JORCing the brown coal resource. We should know what MNM have here shortly.

    Point 2) As per page 3 above (and as previously discussed) MNM have had at least verbal discussions with the Calleja's who own/operate the Maddingley Coal Mine.

    Add to this:

    a) Vic Govt have granted $1.3 million to Exergen to R&D their technology and it works on a test scale.
    b) IK is ex Exergen.
    c) Exergen need brown coal.
    d) MNM have brown coal tenements (and lots of it) in BM.
    d) BM already have a working mine.
    e) BM conveniently located to Geelong for export market.
    f) The Vic Govt needs money/royalties from export - let alone it's own energy needs.
    g) The world needs "cheaper" and "cleaner" brown coal fuel source.


    i) LV power plants could reduce emissions on cleaner brown coal from Exergen/MNM.
    ii) Carbon tax will happen and force cleaner energy R&D/utilisation/take up and (as previously mentioned) whether we like it or not - "clean" brown coal is part of that and will be for the foreseeable future.
    iii) Vic has 400+ billions tonnes of brown coal.
    iv) The cost of digging up/drying/exporting "surface" brown coal is comparative/cheaper to digging up/exporting "under ground" thermal black coal.

    I may be getting a little over zealous here and I'm sure others (HM, FS, Vert if he was still here) could add to my list above, but if I was into jigsaws - I'd say I had the pieces to make me a nice little picture.

    Cheers K
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