Nothing changes with labor.NSW Labor Party boss Sam Dastyari has...

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    Nothing changes with labor.

    NSW Labor Party boss Sam Dastyari has reportedly confirmed he will run for the Senate.

    The 30-year-old Labor powerbroker has nominated to fill the seat left vacant by former party boss Matt Thistlethwaite, News Ltd reports.
    "In politics you need to know when it's time to move on to a new challenge ... that time for me is now," he told the Daily Telegraph online.
    Mr Dastyari, who reportedly has the backing of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, says he got involved in politics so he could participate in policy, not machine politics.
    "Policy has always been my true passion and this would give me an opportunity to focus on that," said.
    Opposition leader Tony Abbott said Labor couldn't claim to be removing "faceless men" from running the party when Mr Dastyari, "the ultimate faceless man", was being rewarded with a spot in the Senate.
    Mr Dastyari played a backroom role in shifting caucus votes to Mr Rudd in June.
    Nominations for the NSW Senate spot close on Monday.
    Opposition leader in the Senate, Eric Abetz, said Mr Rudd should explain why he was supporting Mr Dastyari, who was a long-time backer and friend of disgraced NSW Labor MP Eddie Obeid.
    Mr Obeid was this month found to have acted corruptly in relation to his involvement in a proposed NSW coal mine.
    Mr Rudd's support showed that faceless men were still calling the shots in the ALP, Mr Abetz said.
    "Mr Rudd owes his succession and return to the leadership to Mr Dastyari, and Mr Rudd is supporting Mr Dastyari's political ambitions in return," he said.
    "This destroys the claims of Mr Rudd that factional influence is dead and that he wants to reform NSW politics."
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