This is an example of the kind of destabilisation that is...

  1. 374 Posts.
    This is an example of the kind of destabilisation that is happening and will coninue as a result of the Bush doctrine.

    Kurds must stand as one united nation against Turkish intervention of south Kurdistan

    London ( 20 March 2003: The Turkish Parliament is currently discussing whether to send Turkish troops into South Kurdistan. This time, to keep the Kurds quiet, the invasion will be under pretext of "humanitarian aid."

    However, Kurds know very well that the only humanitarian aid Turkey can offer to Kurds is extermination of their language, identity, culture, habitat, etc.

    Many believe that Turkish troops will move 25 miles into South Kurdistan. This will be sufficient enough to cut the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) forces from every international border, i.e. Iran and Syria, cutting escape and assistance routes. If it survives until then, the Iraqi regime would be supporting such a move as well. Turkey will then implement its "disarmament" massacre of Kurds and occupy oil rich Kurdish cities of Kirkuk and Mosul. Thus, the first steps will have been taken for the establishment of another "Cyprus".

    It should also be noted that such a move would not be made without a green signal from the U.S. Such a conspiracy against the Kurdistan de facto state would not only reveal a repeated betrayal of the Kurds, but also be a lethal blow to Kurdish aspirations and struggle for independence with consequences remaining for decades.

    However, there is a worse scenario. The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), to say the least, has given conflicting and confusing signals on its position on the arrival of Turkish troops. Jalal Talabani, the PUK leader, has shown willingness to allow Turkish troops to enter south Kurdistan. The PUK must declare its position on Turkey. Sending confusing and conflicting signals does great damage to the Kurdish cause internationally.

    The PUK and the KDP must stand together and issue a united statement in the strongest possible language against a Turkish invasion of South Kurdistan.

    It will be a historical mistake if the Kurds do not all stand as one united nation against Turkish invasion of south Kurdistan.

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