could not agree MORE - does not ANYONE in this country demand...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    could not agree MORE - does not ANYONE in this country demand that Shorten stop his endless Abbott hate campaign - and spiteful whinings - which now seems to wholly consume and obsses him - (he needs help with this vile cowardly sick fixation he has, on winning the "crown" for himself - via his now allegedly manic and vicious relentless defamations of Abbott - yes, people - DEMAND that he SHUTS UP! And actually gets on with the job WE'RE all paying him to do - as the mere public ssrvant he is - and that's to get on with his actual job (he so egotistical he thinks he's above having to actually DO it - turn up, sit at the desk - and work out workable and afforable new policies and real "visions" on behalf of all of us - the Australian people.

    Love him - hate him - (Me, the latter - no, I absolutely loathe the man) - he absolutely HAS to - is required to, (to justify his own vast salary and perks) to provide, for us - a viable and believable Opposition - we need to trust him - a feat I personally would find totally impossible.

    He had the High Life - when Mummy-in-law was GG - that's his due, HIS right - he thinks - in his own mind - I believe HE still believes this - hated her going - (Note he didn't protest about HER getting her eqivalent of "knighthood!. Repeat - Bob Hawke gave Prince Philip the (then) highest Australian Honor then available - in 1988. How is it the Left drum bangers see this newer update, one rung up - a rung not available back then - any different, in the slighest - to what Hawke did. Almost 30 years later??? This manufactured stink more drummed up Labor/Far Left hate class division propaganda. OK for Hawke. Not OK for Abbott What colossal hypocrites and Machiavellians the Comrades always are..

    SHorten absolutelt HAS to gain the kudos, the status, the power, for himself -- but wants to get it just sitting in his armchair - mouthing expletives and vile personal smears and slurs. Insturcting his equally hate filled generals and media and Union mates.

    SO whois the "hopeless" one here? Abbott- trying to do the best job he can - credit cards maxed out previously by Labor -
    very little wriggle room - or Shorten - sitting daily on his backside - slagging venom at Abbott - whom he hates and detests. Heading an organised campaign of whipped up hate and jealous revulsion - "Opposition Leader" says Shorten - what's THAT!

    And never forghet Shorten has "secret" armies of similar haters stacked up behind him - HE one of the founders of "GET UP" in Australia.

    I allege this man is actually dangerous. He's leading by ideological hate.

    I feel that any country always thrives better on love and doing what's best for oe's fellow human beings. Shorten's eyes are only, allegedly, always - on himself.

    I claim we actually HAVE No effective Oposition leader. He's not doing the job required. Not at all. Therefore it's HE who should be sacked! He's vicious, sour, curly lipped derisive constantly, 100% negative - and deliberately, spitefully stopping all and any attemps at fiscal rehabilitations. USing the likes of Lambie, Muir, SHY, and Milne, et al - as his manipulated pawns.

    Yes, time for Shorten to go. We pay him a fortune - he's supposed to EARN it!
    Last edited by iron mike: 03/02/15
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