Labor’s debt truck is about to smash us, page-33

  1. 3,619 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Bloody super tax concessions? Quite frankly, I've had a gutful of people disparaging those of us who have worked our arses off, legally paid our taxes and CGT into super. OK we DON"T want to work 'til we are 70, that's why we have provided for our own financial future along with helping our gen y sons with their education and first home deposits. We have chosen to live simply and certainly don't have granite benchtops and our home won't appear in Better Homes and Gardens. We have a dishwasher but it's never been used as we have tankwater. I'm 55 and have bloody well earnt my current lifestyle and just occasionally I get sick of listening to class warfare rants. Did I bitch and whinge when I had to work for years just to pay for my kids childcare till they started school? Did I bitch and whinge when we didn't get a cent in family payments? Did I bitch and whinge when my kids weren't eligible for Austudy? Did I bitch and whinge while working 17 hours a day? Have you ever stopped to think that just maybe those super tax avoiders have been footing the bill for a lot of welfare recipients all of their entire lives?
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