I thought the budget was a very responsible one and put money...

  1. 11,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    I thought the budget was a very responsible one and put money where it's needed. The "made in Australia" focus has to be great direction to take and way overdue. So many other countries are doing a very similar thing by investing in local industry. The obvious result if we didn't do similar was another brain drain of talented people away from our shores, another failure which would be no different to the previous Govt. Tradies are as scarce as rocking horse poop thanks to past Govt being MIA on supporting business to employ and train. Govt employing apprentices directly just doesn't work as it churns out kids who lack basic trade skills and are not ready for the big world. The housing policy was always going to be tough to achieve because of skill shortages, and over 4,500 builders going belly up since Covid began. The only solution is immigration or temp migration, or those homes have no hope of being completed anytime soon. The other option is for councils to relax their rules and allow additional accommodation to be installed on an existing house block. That would be far quicker than land releases and sub divisions, and then building homes by tradies that don;t exist.
    Pollies in Oz and elsewhere have lost a very basic skill, and that is the ability to "sell" a good policy to the people and get them to come along with them. It's a lost art, and only leaves opposing political forces to create doubt and fear in same. Look at the Treasurer at the moment, he's got his dial on telly and radio selling his budget to the masses and doing a good job. Why the heck can't Govts do the same with policy and legislation with the same resolve?
    By keeping it all to question time and a rare appearence on telly trying to cover a host of issues at once just isn't enough to win the punters over. That means people like Murdoch can fill the void with his propaganda and steal the narative to the detriment of the coiuntry. The whole political scene in this country needs an overhaul.
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