Labor abandons young home buyers, page-7

  1. 16,319 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Because the Liberal/National government has sent the country broke (see pic above) pissing it all up against the wall with their idiotic policies giving away billions of borrowed money to booming businesses, building car parks and sports ovals where they aren't needed just to fund their own private election campaign, giving half a billion to a GBR company who didn't even know what to do with it, another half a billion to a company with a shack on the beach as its head office and buying water for double the actual cost (when the water doesn't even exist) from a company in the Cayman Islands who is a mate of a Lib who used to be involved. Shall I go on?

    They are a bunch of corrupt thieves who have spent the best part of 18 months to come up with a 4 point plan with zero detail and zero hope of achieving anything other than playing politics while Rome burns. But that's all ok, it's not a race!

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