''They no longer represent the working class'' one sees this...

  1. 81,357 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''They no longer represent the working class''

    one sees this drivel often ---------- as if it's some kind of political crime

    yet, anyone who has the slightest idea of politics in Australia recognised that Labor began the change decades ago from being a pure workers party

    the change to being a party for all, for Australia began in the 1970's --------

    1970's --------------- and still - 50 years later we have peanuts and wackadoodledoos who continue to somehow think that Labor should only be a worker representative party

    wow - talk about ignorance and a spectacular lack of situational awareness and political evolution -------

    in contrast to the natural growth and dynamic changes (and painful changes in many cases) that Labor began all that way back in the journey -

    the Liberal party of Australia are still stuck in the mire of what once was - but now, cannot be, their only change is rotting away

    it's broad church idea - was indeed that kind of flavour 3/4 of a century ago, but the Liberal Party was corrupted by a toxicity of business serving infection and has not evolved positively one millimetre in the same time as Labor changed for the positive.

    This is ------ really really really really old news ---------- our rightwing friends are so out of date ---------- well ---------- if it wasn't so serious in that we allow them to vote - it would be hilarious

    The Labor party in Australia began to change away from being purely a party for workers in the early 20th century. Initially established as a party representing labor interests, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) started to evolve its policies and appeal to a broader cross-section of the Australian public. This shift towards a more pragmatic approach aimed at appealing to a wider audience began around the time of Gough Whitlam's leadership in the early 1970s. The ALP's focus expanded to include issues beyond traditional labor concerns, such as social reforms, foreign policy, and equality for various groups like women, Indigenous Australians, and racial minorities
    . This transition marked a significant departure from its origins as a party solely dedicated to workers' rights and interests.
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