Smiler trots out his mile-long listof his antipathies against...

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Smiler trots out his mile-long list
    of his antipathies against Labor.

    But when push comes to shove
    on 24 November 'Smiler' will
    get one vote and so will I.

    Our votes will devour each
    other in the ballot box
    thereby creating a
    massive fat Zero
    for both sides.

    Ain't democracy grand! (vbg!)

    On the bright side, it's raining in Canberra
    home to thousands of public servants
    and decent folk as well who *earn*
    their pay and don't have gold-
    plated super schemes like
    the shiney-bums do!

    A little story about the greatest
    Great Economic Manager of
    all time - John Howard.

    To impress voters who loathe
    public servants that he hated
    them even more - he cut a
    swathe through their ranks
    making thousands redundant.

    Redundancy payments cost
    taxpayers *millions* more
    than had he simply put a hiring
    freeze in place and let natural
    attrition (retirements, deaths
    job-changing etc) proceed.

    But he wanted *instant* blood
    and the sad part was it was
    your wallet that did the
    bleeding - not his!

    Howard loathes anything with
    the word 'public' in front of it.

    When the AMP and NRMA
    were 'de-socialised' who
    got the cash - we did.

    When Howard de-socialises
    a public asset who gets
    the cash - Howard does.

    A lovely swindle - provided
    voters blindly keep voting
    for a kid-caging swindler!

    Now we come to Public Buildings
    and here I have to declare a
    pecuniary interest - I have
    profited handsomely from
    one of Howard's swindles.

    How the scam works is this:

    Over many decades, wise governments
    (of both hues) had built up a portfolio
    of Canberra office blocks to house the
    thousand of public servants that keep
    the wheels of govenment turning.

    But Howard *loathes* public anything
    and he loves instant cash to use to
    bribe voters with to vote Liberal.

    So he holds a fire-sale of public
    buildings many of which were
    snapped up by syndicators.

    I took up an 'interest' in a sydicate run
    by what is now the Brisbane-based
    Cromwell Group who leased the
    building back to John Howard for
    a net return to me of 11% pa.

    Nice work if you can get it - but
    to enable punters like me to
    profit at taxpayer expense,
    some dimwits need to elect
    John Howard - Australia's
    kid-caging public swindler!

    In 9 years time, the millions
    (in vote bribing cash) that
    Howard got will have gone
    up in smoke and rents will
    most likely have doubled
    in Canberra.

    But it gets worse!

    The Liberals are supposed to stand
    for 'small government' which is
    why (on taking office) they paid
    out millions to cut a swathe
    though PS ranks - to show
    how much they hate public

    But the probem is Howard is
    not a Liberal - he's a national
    socialist in a $2,000 Liberal suit.

    So he begins passing laws for a
    GST we were 'never ever' going
    to have inflicted on us and AWA
    laws to grind wages into the dirt
    and he drags us into Bush's war
    on Iraq and Afghanistan and he
    decides to make a Big Fellah of
    himself in nearby Pacific nations.

    So guess what?

    Howard begins *Re-Hiring* thouands
    of despised public servants and
    contractors needed to manage
    all the paper-work associated
    with his Grand Master Plans.

    But he has no office blocks
    or secure military buildings
    in which to house them
    because (remember) he
    sold many PS buildings
    (at rock-bottom prices)
    to grubby profiteers
    like (Omigod) Graham.

    So he what does Howard do.

    He *pays* other profiteers
    to build office blocks and
    a new 'Theatre of War' HQ
    on Canberra's outskirts
    so he can rent them back
    from the profiteers at
    huge annual rents at
    YOUR expense.

    To quote from a song from 'Lil Abner':

    The country is in the very best of hands!
    The best of hands, the best of hands!

    Vote for John Howard - the world's
    Greatest Economic Manager! (vbg!)

    I gave this couple a picture
    I took of John Howard and
    told them he was hoping
    to be re-elected as the
    the world's Greatest
    Economic Manager:

    the 'worm'

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