Agree Smiler, garretts a naive fool ,in a labor party full of...

  1. 7,063 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Agree Smiler, garretts a naive fool ,in a labor party full of them .. left-over socialists and thugs .. what happened to the true believers? the hawks .. the keatings etc etc. The labor party has gone from bad (Goth) to good (hawk), to better (Keating) to disaster (the rest ..)

    Garretts slip reveals the TRUTH! the bull-shoot parted slightly and a spout of truth escaped!

    The labor party have no intention of adopting right wing policies, it cannot, Labor is full of lefty thugs .. and they will enact left wing policies .. like higher taxes, death duties, wealth taxes, laws banning new coal mines (possibly oil/gas etc) .. socialist programs for all the innocent poor .. increased green brainwashing (education) for aussie kids (to hell with the 3 R's) .. unions back in control of industry .. wages breakout .. inflation break out .. Aussie economy collapse ..etc

    Of course the main reason for this farce is our voting system, 1 person, 1 vote corrupts our democracy. When the voting system doesn't take into consideration a persons attitude (whether they are a giver or taker) then democracy is doomed. If 2 criminals (takers - preditors) can out vote a hard working, law abidding, tax paying (giver) ... then the system is bound to allow criminals to take control .. and that's exactly what we're seeing now.

    We need a voting system that recognises;
    (1) amount of tax given to society
    (2) amount of charity work done for others.
    (3) amount of work done for society (police, hospitals, army, athletes etc)

    I think a 3:2:1 voting system would probably work. 1 vote for bludgers /criminals etc, 2 for average workers and 3 for higher tax payers / charity workers / public servants in the above list.

    This would balance out the system and make it more rewarding for achievers and less for preditors.

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