labor disintegrating, page-30

  1. 8,980 Posts.
    I thought we were talking about running a country, not a company. It would be a sad mistake to think that companies are run "democratically" on all issues.
    Members of a society are given ONLY ONE time, ONE chance to express their views on who or what group of people ought to run the WHOLE govn't, that is, their WHOLE lives... once every three years federally and once every four years at the State level. That's it! The rest of the time, they can whinge, whine, write letters to the editor, go on strikes, go on huge marches but all these mechanisms mean nothing once a govn't -particularly an insensitive one, is elected. If you begin to exclude people from that election process, those people will be totally voiceless. They will have no say in the running of the nation AT ALL! Who's got the right to deprave them of that single political expression, duty and right?
    The smaller the number of voters the weaker the democracy. The narrower the voter basis the narrower the vision and responsibility of the elected.

    Not everyone might care -or is able to do anything about it anyhow- about how a "private" company is run but they sure as hell care THEY, THEMSELVES are run, how their lives and the lives of their fellow citizens are affacted by the acts of the pollies in some forgotten, inaffable beaurocratic, elitist enclave.

    The world has moved on (at least constitutionally) from elitist, self serving, autocratic govn'ts!

    Like I said, I didn't expect that kind of thinking from you.
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