Labor doing good?What are you smoking kippa5? They've only been...

  1. 135 Posts.
    Labor doing good?

    What are you smoking kippa5? They've only been in govt for 5 minutes this time, so how can you judge.

    Now if you want a better assessment, look at their record since 2007, the record Gillard was keen to avoid any focus on as she moved forward. Anyone who has followed politics for a lengthy period of time will tell you it was the worst govt since Whitlam. Little doubt about that. They blew a massive surplus on the "big screen TV" stimulus package, then borrowed massively to blow even more on overpriced school halls, pink batts and the ridiculous green loan scheme.

    Readers here are au fait with corporate governance; if the govt were a Board of Directors they would not only be fired but charged by the ACCC for maladministration.
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