labor-greens coalition policy, page-14

  1. 2,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Since when has WA been representative of Australian voting? Labor is severely under pressure here, with the Greens as a protest vote of both parties. I dont see preferences in WA going to Labor in any great extent due to the fears and anger over the RSPT debacle and (ridiculous as it is) border protection. The eastern states marches to its own beat, and the labor-green coalition (they should call it as it is) seems to be well entrenched. I know tons of chardonnay socialists in Sydney and melbourne who vote labor as primary and second Labor because they hated Howard with a passion despite the fact that the Liberals during the greatest growth in their wealth (property, shares) in their lives. What amuses me these days is hearing them complain about the lack of policies from Labor and the negativity of the Liberals - wait till they have a senate controlled by the Greens and Labor unable to get anything through unless it is completely anti-business!

    Australia is going to hell in a handcart under these bozos. The only good thing is that we seem to be going to hell slower than the rest of the world. I spend a fair bit of time in Asia and they cant believe the idiocy of our current government - they are rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of buying Aussie assets cheap in years to come.

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