labor in crsis control

  1. 4,442 Posts.
    P.Garrett entirely demolishes Labors "me too" campaign by admitting foolish Labor promises really only a ruse for election success;
    Kruddds endeavors to cover up Garretts gaffes destroys his credibilty;
    Ear wax eating by KRudd on international television completely destroys KRudds profile;
    The prospect of wall to wall Labor across Australia really scaring the Australian population;
    The destruction of hard won and fair IR laws by Labor inexcusable;
    Employers frightened of further staffing as prospect of Labors reintroduction of "unfair"dismissal regulations;
    All of the above are playing in to the hands of the sitting Liberal Party .
    Labor beginning to lose traction in election campaign as voters realise that promises made by Labor are mearly a mirror image of Liberal Partt's policies which are never to be adhered to upon a success at the ballot box!
    The main question most Australian voters are asking is : Why change a winning team when an uncertain future needs a team that has the required credentials to steer the country through the choppy seas ahead??????

    For all those younger (and maybe older) than I, who will be voting this time for a change, please consider long and hard if you really want to risk the future of this country to a demostrably inept bunch of pretenders to the throne, who obviously have a trade union agenda behind all their rhetoric!!!!!
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