Labor is coming for your super, page-53

  1. 41,768 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    as you know the first Australians description of the first fleet arrival was literally an invasion. every action of violence, subjugation, enslavement, mass murder, poisoning of water holes and flour.

    Europe remembers many wars where invasions were military, and so was the settlement of white people in Australia.

    and today first Australians have laws and police practices still stacked hard against them, mostly due to alcohol related offences.

    certainly many have climbed out of the cycle of addictions and made wonderful rewarding lives for themselves. yet this has often been against the odds asa rests of children whose parents are drunk and violent commences the cycle that is hard to escape.

    people from other nations have no doubt suffered from wars and oppression elsewhere, but this is First Nations homeland.

    we won't get anywhere toward solving the problems they face if we don't recognise and respect their sovereignty first.
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