You’re missing the point. Both majors are haemorrhaging votes to...

  1. 7,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 166
    You’re missing the point. Both majors are haemorrhaging votes to the minority parties.

    Yours just haemorrhaged 11%+ to everyone bar ALP. With ALP losing 1%.

    That tells a story in its own right. A microcosm of the National vote.

    ALP are losing slower, but still losing votes. Look where the vote went! Indies and small parties.

    Your party is a shambles, they are losing the younger vote hand over fist. The LNP are also losing quite a few other voters too. They need a root change away from big business and other lobbyists (vested interests) and propose a course of action that is not associated with being on the take.

    The people have had enough. Change is afoot. You’ll need a job change soon.

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