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    NSW has worst hospitals in Oz
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    By Kate Sikora
    October 26, 2007 12:00am
    NSW hospitals are the worst in the country, with a national report revealing a severe shortage of beds has placed patients in a "danger zone".

    The damning report by the Australian Medical Association comes exactly one month after Jana Horska miscarried in a toilet at Royal North Shore Hospital.

    Ms Horska has become the human face of the crumbling NSW health system, which rates poorly against other states in the report.

    Hospitals, including Royal North Shore, are operating at 95 per cent bed occupancy rates - the worst in the nation.

    AMA president Dr Rosanna Capolingua said beds had been slashed by 60 per cent across the country in 20 years.

    "There's shame across the state governments with the management of public hospitals," Ms Capolingua said.

    "We are calling for an increase in funding but in NSW there's a practice of closing beds to open desks.

    "Bed occupancy of 85 per cent is in the danger zone because if you have an emergency then you can't act on the admissions coming through."

    The inaugural report card rated states performance, capacity, productivity, funding and access.

    NSW fell short for admissions and waiting times for elective surgery.

    The AMA blamed the Federal and NSW State Government for shifting responsibility.

    Australian emergency medicine college chairman and Royal North Shore emergency director Dr Tony Joseph said the report's findings were no surprise.

    "They have closed down many beds, they've just gone," he said.

    "North Shore has dropped from 600 to 700 beds to 300 in 10 years. The State Government has said there is funding for 350 beds, but where are they?"

    Health Minister Reba Meagher continued to deny responsibility yesterday - blaming the Federal Government.
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