When did Labor ever have a moral...

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    When did Labor ever have a moral compass??


    Former NSW Labor Minister Rodney Cavlaier says Labor is a now a party without a moral compass or much competence, and voters have figured it out:

    Australians understood something was terribly awry long before the media. A party sitting on 27 per cent is down a hole for a reason. Electors have worked out that the narrow base from which Labor draws its MPs has created governments lacking in basic competence and authenticity.

    Labor has advocated, for example, four positions on dealing with climate change.... In the absence of a values system or respect for the party platform, is it any wonder the electorate reckons Labor will do anything to remain in power? ...

    The Labor Party has not polled in the 20s since the founding years. Young people decline to join unless they want paid employment. Labor, formed to fight for the powerless, has become a coterie of and for party insiders.

    Gillard made much of a target of an extra 8000 new members. So that the target is not just hot air, let the national secretariat state national membership numbers and commit to its annual publication. This is standard procedure for community organisations. Not for the ALP, however, whose membership numbers are the darkest of secrets because they map its terminal decline.

    In NSW, ... we know membership had fallen to 15,389 in 2009. The whispered number this year is 8500. In 1911 it was 92,000. In the 1970s it was about 22,000. Not to publish the present number of members will attest the reform announcements are bunkum. Which, of course, they are.

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