This is apparently the alternative government the luvvies would...

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    This is apparently the alternative government the luvvies would put in to finalise communist rule in Australia

    NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane's home, office raided by police

    Officers from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and ASIO have raided NSW Labor MP Shaoquett Moselmane's home and office in Sydney this morning.

    NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay confirmed she was aware of the raids, and that the party would suspend Mr Moselmane's membership.

    Ms McKay described reports that Mr Moselmane's office had allegedly been infiltrated by Chinese government agents as "dreadfully concerning".

    In identical statements, the AFP and ASIO said they were "executing search warrants in Sydney this morning as part of an ongoing investigation".

    "There is no current or impending threat to community safety," the statements read.

    "As this investigation remains ongoing, there will be no further comment."

    Attorney-General Christian Porter's office, which must authorise AFP warrants, was contacted for comment.

    Ms McKay said Labor was cooperating with the agencies involved.

    "I was advised early this morning that there had been search warrants executed on the home of Mr Moselmane," she said.

    "In the last hour I have asked the General Secretary of the party to begin the process of suspending his membership of the Labor Party. It's the right thing to do."

    When asked about allegations Mr Moselmane's office had been infiltrated by Chinese government agents, Ms McKay said: "It's dreadfully concerning, it's terrible."

    "There is an expectation on MPs that whatever they do is in the best interest of the people in this state.

    "And I would hope that every single MP in the Parliament, not just on the Labor side but the Liberal and the National party side, the crossbench, has that as the heart of the their actions as an MP."

    Ms McKay said she would receive a briefing from the AFP and ASIO later today.

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