labor narrows the lead , page-9

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    wishful thinking -

    Parliament out - Abbott away - Gillard's gone, no matter how you look at it - tomorrow, kindergaten's starting again and the Gillard scream will reverberate. The "dinosaurs" and "old fools" and "shcok jocks" will all be on the front lawns, so she'll have plenty to sneer at!

    The Nielsen Poll remains dreadful, and dire for Labor,and if an election were held tomorrow half the current sitting Labor members would lose their seats!

    A fact which they all know perfectly well, which is why NOT ONE of them has the courage to walk now - why self sacrifice stacks of lovely more dollars (for Australia) when you can at least eke out two years more hefty salary and perks out of the system - and also perhaps qualify, by staying, the scandulous and unearned lifetime perks these useless, childish, hypocritical incumbents will score from a minimum 8 years "service".

    Yep, just sitting on one's backside for another two years, keeping a Parliamentary bench warm, doing zilch and head nodding vigorously, no matter what one's real thoughts or morals are, will end with many scoring a very rich prize.

    Plus many will have the gall to take a useless but suddenly "required" six week "study tour" overseas right on the eve of their retirement - as I know for a fact happened with one Labor pollie I know of. Who had long planned their retirement date, - yet blatantly took a leisurely, full paid for, "study tour". Are such rorts audited and reported? What are you studying when you're on the eve of leaving?

    Studying for what? Pyramids and trips down the Nile - what value was that to the Australian public? And lifetime pensions - who else gets them?

    Simon Crean seems to be the only candidate hard-line old style Labor supporters seem to be considering from a short list of would be if I could be prospective take-over leaders - but he'll emerge only on the eve of the next election - as did Bob Hawke, who booted out Bill Hayden.
    Gillard being got rid of right now is not a good look! so she has to brazen it through. But at what cost to us - the long suffering public?

    But who knows - Ms. Gillard may well annoint Oakeshott or Windsor!!!
    Who will both be Labor (officially) next time around. Of course. They are such transparent hypocrtites.

    Yes, it's all games playing and maneouvering - and what's in THEIR bank balances - certainly NOT ours!

    Libs have a whopping 2 Party preferred lead on Labor. Unprecendented! Hopefully, the voting public ARE intelligent enough to see the games and to throroughly dislike them enough to remember come election day.
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